Restlessly Still

Restlessly Still

Monday, August 29, 2011

3 Years

Okay, I would like to share that it is my 3 year anniversary with my boyfriend!  3 years ago this amazing the day before called me up and asked if I would like to go see a movie with him.  I agreed to his request.  3 years ago to this day I was waiting for my bus, but it was running late.  When I finally got there I did see him at first, so I sat by the fountain to wait for him.  I started to look around to see if I can see him, and there he was sitting behind me was him!

As we were waiting for the movie to start we started to make a lot of promises to each other, some of them being silly.  After the movie he asked if I need a ride home. I told him that would be great if he can.  As he was driving me home he started to tell me how I'm a really good friend and all that fun stuff.  Leading up to him asking me if I can be his girlfriend.  Of course I said yes!  So here we are today 3 years ago, 2 of the years being a long distance relationship.  I love him very much!!!

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