Restlessly Still

Restlessly Still

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

One phrase, one word

There are a lot of  people that have one word, or phrase that drive them insane.  Some people hate the word like, maybe because there is so many people use that word in between other words.  Example: "So like I went to the mall and like saw a cute shirt and like tried it on and like my bff is like no way..."  Yeah, I can see how that can make anyone go insane.  I was going crazy just typing it out. Ha!  Some reasons why people don't like a word, or a phrase is because it reminds them of something they don't like, or a horrible experiences to that word or phrase.  Some words and phrases people don't like, or people hate with a passion.  There are words and phrases that I don't care for or bug me a little, but not to the point of hate.  But there are two things that people say or type that just kind of bug me a little more so.  I don't like it when people type out "K" or "KK" and "So much win."  Don't get me wrong, it isn't where you say or type it out, I'm going to chop your head off with an ax like some people would be if you say the word or phrase they didn't like.  Its more that I just give a sigh and say "Really?"

With the "K" or "KK" response just kind of bugs me a little more so.  I don't see how typing that is faster than typing out "ok" as if typing out "okay" is too long.  I know a few people that type "K" response.  It's just plain laziness.  I don't like reading it to a response, even reading in my head...I feel kind of stupid reading it.  I'm not saying people should stop using it by any means.  After all this is a ranting blog ^_^

The other is a phrase that just kind of bugs me a little more so is "so much win"  I get it, the words "epic", "epicness", "awesome", "awesomeness", and other words with a similar meanings does get over played and just finding another way to say how epic something is.  And to be honest the reason why I don't care for the phrase is because of one person.  Once more I will not name names because one, that isn't cool, and also I don't want to hurt feelings.  But anyway I only seen her post it once on my boyfriend's wall or something and after seeing that, I notice he has been saying it more.  The reason why it bugs me is because I really think she is a home wrecking trouble maker.  She is always hang out with my boyfriend...a lot...and she has no problem being over at his room and being all over him.  That bugs me.  I want to scream at her saying that "He isn't your boyfriend, he does have a girlfriend and it isn't you!  Get lost!." she is using him, and other guys just to get to their stuff or to get what she wants.  It bugs the hell out of really does!  I hate girls that uses guy; that isn't cool at all, but that will be another blog ;).  And when he says it, it bugs me because if he is saying it more, I think that they are hanging out a lot and she is being a big influence on him.   And it worries me because she seems to be the type that don't care for other people's relationships and its all about that is why I don't really care for that phrase at all.  Just because of one little tramp

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