Hi everyone! I need your help! I enter a contest to win up to $100,000 with Ben Bridge for a dream wedding! I need you guys to vote for me and Chris! We've know each other for 9 years and been together over 3. We were best friends though high school and now we are in love! So vote for us to win!! Ever vote counts!!! Thank you =)
Restlessly Still

Monday, December 19, 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
Work update
I only have two days of work before going on winter break! This coming spring I'm taking 4 classes (a total of 9 units). It is just 3 units shy of being full time student. I'm taking ECE-165-Teaching children/diverse comm, ECE-201- Spvrsn/Admstr Children's Prgms, ECE-220: Adult Sup: Mentoring Process. With those classes I would be able to upgrade my permit to be a Master teacher! I also if I took the 202 class; I would be able to get my site supervisor, but I don't have the time to take that class. I'm also taking a fun class: Dance-111- Fund of Dance Movements. It teaches the fundamentals of ballet, jazz, and modern dancing to people have no clue of what they are doing. I'm looking forward to it! All my classes are in the evening, so I would be able to sub all day at work if I need to. So I'm going to be so tired XP We'll see what is going to happen!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Next Thursday is Thanksgiving. A time to spend with your love ones, eating turkey, and being grateful for what you have. I'm going to list the things I'm grateful for and why.
I'm grateful for my family. My family has always been their for me and they always will be there. They've helped me get through school and supported everything I did. They helped me when I need them the most. They also raised me to be a good person and showed me the right ways. I love them very much.
I'm grateful for my friends. They really helped me through my rough patches when I could not go to my family for things. They make me laugh and my life that much brighter.
I'm grateful for my job and the people I work with. I love my job at the center. I love working with the kids, although they can be a little crazy at times lol I love the fact that I'm making a difference in their lives. I feel like I'm making a difference. I can look back at the end of the day, and feel that I have accomplished something. I love the staff (well most of them lol) I work with wonderful people who are helpful and supporting.
I'm grateful for my boyfriend. I love him so much; though sometimes we do drive each other up a wall lol. He has always been there even before we started dating. He has been a good friend of mine, and now a wonderful boyfriend. He is the shoulder I cry on when I'm feeling down. He makes me laugh and supported everything I do! He makes me so happy and I'm very grateful for him!
I'm grateful for laughter. I love to laugh and I'm grateful for the things that make me laugh and smile! It would be horrible if I couldn't smile and laugh. So I'm going to smile and laugh as much as I can!
I'm grateful for music. I love music! It brings me so much joy. It relaxes me, or makes me want to dance and sing! It makes my life so much fun to have it! It colors the world!
I'm grateful for skype, phones, and computers. I'm grateful that we live in a time that we can call, send emails, and video chat. It makes going through a long distance relationship a little bit easier! I'm glad that we have more than one way to keep in touch.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Remember for the things and people in your life and remember not everyone is lucky to have what you have!
I'm grateful for my family. My family has always been their for me and they always will be there. They've helped me get through school and supported everything I did. They helped me when I need them the most. They also raised me to be a good person and showed me the right ways. I love them very much.
I'm grateful for my friends. They really helped me through my rough patches when I could not go to my family for things. They make me laugh and my life that much brighter.
I'm grateful for my job and the people I work with. I love my job at the center. I love working with the kids, although they can be a little crazy at times lol I love the fact that I'm making a difference in their lives. I feel like I'm making a difference. I can look back at the end of the day, and feel that I have accomplished something. I love the staff (well most of them lol) I work with wonderful people who are helpful and supporting.
I'm grateful for my boyfriend. I love him so much; though sometimes we do drive each other up a wall lol. He has always been there even before we started dating. He has been a good friend of mine, and now a wonderful boyfriend. He is the shoulder I cry on when I'm feeling down. He makes me laugh and supported everything I do! He makes me so happy and I'm very grateful for him!
I'm grateful for laughter. I love to laugh and I'm grateful for the things that make me laugh and smile! It would be horrible if I couldn't smile and laugh. So I'm going to smile and laugh as much as I can!
I'm grateful for music. I love music! It brings me so much joy. It relaxes me, or makes me want to dance and sing! It makes my life so much fun to have it! It colors the world!
I'm grateful for skype, phones, and computers. I'm grateful that we live in a time that we can call, send emails, and video chat. It makes going through a long distance relationship a little bit easier! I'm glad that we have more than one way to keep in touch.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Remember for the things and people in your life and remember not everyone is lucky to have what you have!
Friday, November 11, 2011
America! Land of the free, home of the brave! We have more freedom than most countries. I love my country! I'm patriotic, I support my troops who fight for everything we believe in. I'm sure many of you feel the same way, but won't say say a word because of some people's harsh words. The whole being patriotic because of the whole 9/11. It might be true for some, but not everyone. I love my country very much, but I do not like my government. Though they are suppose to be the symbol of our beautiful country, yet they are becoming more of their party symbol.
Being patriotic and supporting our government I believe is two different things now. In the past, our government were able to put aside the party difference and got the job done. Now its becoming Democrats vs Republicans. Mainly between congress and the house. Nothing gets done because one party will come up with a solution and the other party will reject it because its not there idea. And then the other party will use the same idea and it will get rejected by that one party that came up with it. Plus they are too busy arguing and blaming each other to get the job done. It is becoming more of a race to get they party as President than fixing our country.
How can anyone respect our government if they are acting like two year olds?
I'm proud to say I'm an American, but I'm also not afraid to say that I think our government is being a bunch of jack asses and they need to start working together and getting the job done than focusing on their political party.
Being patriotic and supporting our government I believe is two different things now. In the past, our government were able to put aside the party difference and got the job done. Now its becoming Democrats vs Republicans. Mainly between congress and the house. Nothing gets done because one party will come up with a solution and the other party will reject it because its not there idea. And then the other party will use the same idea and it will get rejected by that one party that came up with it. Plus they are too busy arguing and blaming each other to get the job done. It is becoming more of a race to get they party as President than fixing our country.
How can anyone respect our government if they are acting like two year olds?
I'm proud to say I'm an American, but I'm also not afraid to say that I think our government is being a bunch of jack asses and they need to start working together and getting the job done than focusing on their political party.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Better mood!
I've been in a really good mood today. Maybe because I've been bouncing off the walls (yay sugar). But I've got off skype with my boyfriend. And I realize how lucky I really am to have someone that loves me and puts up with my moodiness. I know a few times that I got mad of him and no matter what reasons they were; either a good one, or not...He still sticks by me.
He is a good guy and wants to take care of me. And yeah he may make me angry a few times, or drives me crazy, but I love him. What relationship that doesn't have a disagreement...and we disagree all the time. We also aren't afraid to stand up to each other and letting the other party know that they have went a little too far.
The long distance isn't easy either. And yeah we have to work on making it work, but so far it is working for us. There is a few days were we question why are we doing this, but we know that we love each other and we want to be together.
We aren't perfect couple, I'm not perfect, and neither is he, but we know that we are perfect for each other and that we do balance each other out. I know that he loves me, and that I love him very much!
He is a good guy and wants to take care of me. And yeah he may make me angry a few times, or drives me crazy, but I love him. What relationship that doesn't have a disagreement...and we disagree all the time. We also aren't afraid to stand up to each other and letting the other party know that they have went a little too far.
The long distance isn't easy either. And yeah we have to work on making it work, but so far it is working for us. There is a few days were we question why are we doing this, but we know that we love each other and we want to be together.
We aren't perfect couple, I'm not perfect, and neither is he, but we know that we are perfect for each other and that we do balance each other out. I know that he loves me, and that I love him very much!
Sunday, October 23, 2011
I'm a mess
You say that you would do anything, but is that true? You are friends with girls that I don't trust and all I hear is that I'm wrong. You won't admit that I'm right. You won't admit that your so call good friend is a bitch when you know she is, and you say that you know that I don't like them. If you do, then why are you friends with them? You said that you would stand up to anyone that bad mouth me, but is that true? You are friend with someone who try to get you to sleep with them and almost cheated on me with. You said that we could do this, but we always end up doing thing that you want to do. You say you would do anything...if that is the case then I would love if you get rid of them, but we both know that isn't going to happen...
I'm so upset and I'm such a mess right now...you have know idea..you don't understand at all. I don't know what to do or what to say...This could all be because I'm tired, and I'm pmsing...All I know is that I'm depressed and I'm crying. I need a hug right now
I'm so upset and I'm such a mess right now...you have know idea..you don't understand at all. I don't know what to do or what to say...This could all be because I'm tired, and I'm pmsing...All I know is that I'm depressed and I'm crying. I need a hug right now
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Pissy Mood Syndrome (PMS)
Today is the worse day in history! No joke! I want this day to be over because it suck so much right now. Everything that could of bad happened has happened...also this day went too long. It started this morning and it didn't stop from there. And I started my period too! So I'm in a very grumpy mood!!!
I'm at work at 7:30am. My normal shift is at 8, but I usually get there half an hour early and I just set everything up. So I'm use to being there at 7:30. But today, I got there just before 8. Thought I wasn't late, it still through me off. I wasn't use to it and I felt like I was behind. And being in band, I'm so use to being early because if we were on time we were late.
Every morning before going to work, I like to stop by Starbucks and get my Green Tea Lemonade sweeten. Last year I had three different Starbucks mess up my order three to five times in a row...But once I started working in August, the Starbucks I go to every day has done a fantastic job. But today they messed up my order. And I looked at my mom and told her that today wasn't going to be a good day. Though it was only a joke because they messed up my order.
The rest of the day went well with at work. I had to stay late to cover a shift of another coworker. So my day was very very long. Though in the room that I was covering, the kids were a little more aggressive than the ones that I'm use to. And it was frustrating because they were aggressive towards each other but they didn't really listen because they didn't know me.
On my way home, I waited forever for the bus, so I decided that I didn't want to wait anymore and start walking to the transfer station. By the time I was almost to the light, my bus drove passed me. Walked or not, I still would have waited for my other bus. My mom calls me to ask were I am. I told her I was no where near the store where she was at.
I get about half way home, and I get a call from my dad saying that he called my mom and that she was waiting for AAA. I was freaking out thinking something bad has happened to her. I get to the store where she was at and luckily that she was okay and there was only a very little scratch on the car...you can't really see it. Though my dad was not happy about it.
And I found out tomorrow at work 7 teachers asked tomorrow off, and we hope that no one calls out tomorrow. Tomorrow is going to be crazy...And to top it all off I have started my period, so I'm not in a good mood at all...
This day can end
I'm at work at 7:30am. My normal shift is at 8, but I usually get there half an hour early and I just set everything up. So I'm use to being there at 7:30. But today, I got there just before 8. Thought I wasn't late, it still through me off. I wasn't use to it and I felt like I was behind. And being in band, I'm so use to being early because if we were on time we were late.
Every morning before going to work, I like to stop by Starbucks and get my Green Tea Lemonade sweeten. Last year I had three different Starbucks mess up my order three to five times in a row...But once I started working in August, the Starbucks I go to every day has done a fantastic job. But today they messed up my order. And I looked at my mom and told her that today wasn't going to be a good day. Though it was only a joke because they messed up my order.
The rest of the day went well with at work. I had to stay late to cover a shift of another coworker. So my day was very very long. Though in the room that I was covering, the kids were a little more aggressive than the ones that I'm use to. And it was frustrating because they were aggressive towards each other but they didn't really listen because they didn't know me.
On my way home, I waited forever for the bus, so I decided that I didn't want to wait anymore and start walking to the transfer station. By the time I was almost to the light, my bus drove passed me. Walked or not, I still would have waited for my other bus. My mom calls me to ask were I am. I told her I was no where near the store where she was at.
I get about half way home, and I get a call from my dad saying that he called my mom and that she was waiting for AAA. I was freaking out thinking something bad has happened to her. I get to the store where she was at and luckily that she was okay and there was only a very little scratch on the car...you can't really see it. Though my dad was not happy about it.
And I found out tomorrow at work 7 teachers asked tomorrow off, and we hope that no one calls out tomorrow. Tomorrow is going to be crazy...And to top it all off I have started my period, so I'm not in a good mood at all...
This day can end
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
This is a rant. If I don't, I will cuss someone out...and I rather not do that...Do not have to read this...
Thank you...
Ever met people where they talk about love and how they are never going to find it. It is so annoying because they are the types that will ignore the ones that will give them the time and day, and will go after the ones that don't care about them, or the ones that already have boyfriends/girlfriends. I'm rather sick of it.
There is this one person who just coincidentally started going by my name after visiting my boyfriend last year. Calming that one of her friends is calling her that...bs! She told my boyfriend that she wanted to meet me...it was to see if I was a real person. She avoided coming up and to meet me. She loves to borrow my boyfriend, and other guys, stuff. She steals her friends crush and ruins everything between them. But doesn't stay in relationships long because she wants to be with my boyfriend. She tries to get to hang out with him, but he doesn't respond to her...she doesn't get it!
I really can say I hate her guts...she pretends to be a cool, nice person, but really she is a home wrecker. She loves drama though she says she doesn't. She steal other guys from other girls, or tries to. If she keeps up with this crap, then she is going have no one and will be all alone...
So my word of advice is to actually give the guys that think you are something great a chance, and stop thinking you have a chance with guys that really don't give a flying fuck what you do...You won't get hurt as much...
I feel better now
Thank you...
Ever met people where they talk about love and how they are never going to find it. It is so annoying because they are the types that will ignore the ones that will give them the time and day, and will go after the ones that don't care about them, or the ones that already have boyfriends/girlfriends. I'm rather sick of it.
There is this one person who just coincidentally started going by my name after visiting my boyfriend last year. Calming that one of her friends is calling her that...bs! She told my boyfriend that she wanted to meet me...it was to see if I was a real person. She avoided coming up and to meet me. She loves to borrow my boyfriend, and other guys, stuff. She steals her friends crush and ruins everything between them. But doesn't stay in relationships long because she wants to be with my boyfriend. She tries to get to hang out with him, but he doesn't respond to her...she doesn't get it!
I really can say I hate her guts...she pretends to be a cool, nice person, but really she is a home wrecker. She loves drama though she says she doesn't. She steal other guys from other girls, or tries to. If she keeps up with this crap, then she is going have no one and will be all alone...
So my word of advice is to actually give the guys that think you are something great a chance, and stop thinking you have a chance with guys that really don't give a flying fuck what you do...You won't get hurt as much...
I feel better now
Friday, October 14, 2011
Moving Forward
Today I decided to call up the children centers in the Humboldt area. I'm planing on moving up there this summer. I've called up a bunch of centers to see how often they go through staff and only one place said that they do a lot of hiring, and another place that said the needed subs and that could possibly turn into a more permanent position. Another place I talk to said that the job market for early childhood education is hard to get into in the area because a lot of students from Humboldt State are applying to the centers just to stay in the education type jobs. Now I'm freaking out about not being able to find a job up there, but if I stay down here I don't get to be with Chris. We planned for us to move in together.
The pros of me staying down here:
1) I have a job
2) My family and my friends is down here
The cons of me staying down here:
1) I don't get to see Chris very often
2) I would be living with my parents
3) I wouldn't get to grow as a person and an educator
The pros of me moving:
1) I get to live with the one I love
2) I get my own place
3) I can start my life
4) I might find a place that will give me my own classroom in the future (If I get into one)
5) The area is beautiful
The cons of me moving:
1) I might not find a job for awhile
2) Money could cause a problem trying to pay for things and we run out
3) I don't know the area well
I don't know what to do right now. I know its not for a while, but I can't help not to think of what is going happen and plan for the future. Right now I'm feeling conflicted about this whole thing and I'm scared about this...
The pros of me staying down here:
1) I have a job
2) My family and my friends is down here
The cons of me staying down here:
1) I don't get to see Chris very often
2) I would be living with my parents
3) I wouldn't get to grow as a person and an educator
The pros of me moving:
1) I get to live with the one I love
2) I get my own place
3) I can start my life
4) I might find a place that will give me my own classroom in the future (If I get into one)
5) The area is beautiful
The cons of me moving:
1) I might not find a job for awhile
2) Money could cause a problem trying to pay for things and we run out
3) I don't know the area well
I don't know what to do right now. I know its not for a while, but I can't help not to think of what is going happen and plan for the future. Right now I'm feeling conflicted about this whole thing and I'm scared about this...
Monday, October 10, 2011
Surviving the Modern World
You ever heard the phrase "Don't judge a book by its cover" or "Stick and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." To help kids learn that we can't let what other say or think about us get to us and stop us from what we are doing. That is true to a point. We have all these rights and freedom of speech and expression, but to get by in this world we have to blend in, or mold to what the higher ups want us to be.
America is great because we have all these rights and freedoms. We can wear what we want, and we can have as many tattoos and piercings as we want and where we want them. But when it comes to a job interview; Employers aren't going to hire people that look like an advertisement for a tattoo parlor. You can be the nicest person in the world, but if you have a billion piercings and tattoos that cover your body. The ones that are hiring won't take you serious because that isn't the idea of what is professional.
They tell us we should judge a book by its cover, but also first impressions are everything. Like I said before, you can be the nicest person, and the most hard working...but if you don't have a look they are looking for, then they already know that they aren't going to pick you for the job.
The saying "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." is telling kids that no matter what others say or think of you that you should play it off like its nothing. But here is the problem with that is that our society is so needing to be accepted that they will put up with the teasing and bulling to just to fit in. Also that people will say hurtful things and it will hurt you. Words leave a deeper scar than most physical wounds. People should give others the satisfaction of that it hurts you. But they leave out that it is okay to feel hurt. You have the right to feel what you are feeling. When people tell you to grow a thicker skin, just means that they don't want to do anything to help and feel that its not important.
I've read an article online about a boy who couldn't walk and was made fun of because of it. He was also beaten up. He told the school of what was happening, and nothing was done, and this never ended. The boy finally had enough and he took his own life. It is sad that something that could have been done, but did nothing.
We will do what it takes to fit in. And for those who try so hard to not fit in..*cough, cough* emos *cough* Will call us conformist because we will fit in. But like in the animal kingdom, animals will change and adapt to their surroundings to fit in the real world. And that is what we are doing...We want a job, and will do everything we can to get it. So we will change and adapt to meet the needs and wants of the hiring people to notice us. This means we get a job, that means money, and money means home, food, and other stuff to survive.
A simple phrase or just simply ignoring it isn't going to make things go away. That we do need to look a certain way and act a certain way just to fit in, so we can be able to get jobs to make a living. And that words do hurt. And because of this we don't really have the freedom to express individuality, unless you don't really want a job. That we do "conform" to fit the roles and play the parts that job places are looking for. It is survival of the fittest in this crazy jungle we call a city.
America is great because we have all these rights and freedoms. We can wear what we want, and we can have as many tattoos and piercings as we want and where we want them. But when it comes to a job interview; Employers aren't going to hire people that look like an advertisement for a tattoo parlor. You can be the nicest person in the world, but if you have a billion piercings and tattoos that cover your body. The ones that are hiring won't take you serious because that isn't the idea of what is professional.
They tell us we should judge a book by its cover, but also first impressions are everything. Like I said before, you can be the nicest person, and the most hard working...but if you don't have a look they are looking for, then they already know that they aren't going to pick you for the job.
The saying "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." is telling kids that no matter what others say or think of you that you should play it off like its nothing. But here is the problem with that is that our society is so needing to be accepted that they will put up with the teasing and bulling to just to fit in. Also that people will say hurtful things and it will hurt you. Words leave a deeper scar than most physical wounds. People should give others the satisfaction of that it hurts you. But they leave out that it is okay to feel hurt. You have the right to feel what you are feeling. When people tell you to grow a thicker skin, just means that they don't want to do anything to help and feel that its not important.
I've read an article online about a boy who couldn't walk and was made fun of because of it. He was also beaten up. He told the school of what was happening, and nothing was done, and this never ended. The boy finally had enough and he took his own life. It is sad that something that could have been done, but did nothing.
We will do what it takes to fit in. And for those who try so hard to not fit in..*cough, cough* emos *cough* Will call us conformist because we will fit in. But like in the animal kingdom, animals will change and adapt to their surroundings to fit in the real world. And that is what we are doing...We want a job, and will do everything we can to get it. So we will change and adapt to meet the needs and wants of the hiring people to notice us. This means we get a job, that means money, and money means home, food, and other stuff to survive.
A simple phrase or just simply ignoring it isn't going to make things go away. That we do need to look a certain way and act a certain way just to fit in, so we can be able to get jobs to make a living. And that words do hurt. And because of this we don't really have the freedom to express individuality, unless you don't really want a job. That we do "conform" to fit the roles and play the parts that job places are looking for. It is survival of the fittest in this crazy jungle we call a city.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Good Men
We women always complain about where are all the good men. Not all of us, but a good amount does. And our reason why is that they are all taken, or gay. That isn't true! There is plenty of good men out there, it is just that we are being shallow or our standers are too high. We complain that all the guys are jerks, and we have us to blame for it.
There is plenty of nice guys out there and we need to stop and take the time to get to know them. But what we end up doing is we go for the hot jerk. But that doesn't matter because he is so hot and it is okay if he treats us like crap, right? Wrong! Because we go for the jerks, the good guys think they need to be one so they can get someone to notice them.
Not all the good guys that are sweet is gay. It is all inner beauty. When we get to know someone long enough we start to see their inner self. If they are sweet and kind on the inside, then more and likely you see a beautiful person with a beautiful soul. But when the inner beauty stinks and they are a major pain in the butt and treat everyone horribly...more and likely they aren't that great looking.
All the good ones are taken...it is either that the ones that are in relationships because they have someone that is thankful for them, or that they are jerks and they found someone that is stupid to stay with them. But don't try to take a great guy away from someone...that isn't cool...why break up two people's happiness for your own. You'll find someone who is just as great....but don't sink to a low level to steal another man from a person...that isn't cool...
So we have ourselves to thank why good guys are being jerks...because we are going for that kind of guy. So if you are in a relationship with a really great guy, don't take him for granted. Be thankful that you are lucky to be blessed with a good man!
There is plenty of nice guys out there and we need to stop and take the time to get to know them. But what we end up doing is we go for the hot jerk. But that doesn't matter because he is so hot and it is okay if he treats us like crap, right? Wrong! Because we go for the jerks, the good guys think they need to be one so they can get someone to notice them.
Not all the good guys that are sweet is gay. It is all inner beauty. When we get to know someone long enough we start to see their inner self. If they are sweet and kind on the inside, then more and likely you see a beautiful person with a beautiful soul. But when the inner beauty stinks and they are a major pain in the butt and treat everyone horribly...more and likely they aren't that great looking.
All the good ones are taken...it is either that the ones that are in relationships because they have someone that is thankful for them, or that they are jerks and they found someone that is stupid to stay with them. But don't try to take a great guy away from someone...that isn't cool...why break up two people's happiness for your own. You'll find someone who is just as great....but don't sink to a low level to steal another man from a person...that isn't cool...
So we have ourselves to thank why good guys are being jerks...because we are going for that kind of guy. So if you are in a relationship with a really great guy, don't take him for granted. Be thankful that you are lucky to be blessed with a good man!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Going the Distance
I'm sure that there is a handful of people who have been, or in a long distance relationship. And many of you will say that it is hard. You will be correct! I'm in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend and each day the I miss him more. I've been with my boyfriend for 3 years and we've been in a long distance relationship of 2 years. A long distance isn't for everyone, and it's more of a test to see that if the two parties that are in the relationship can last. You have to be strong in the relationship, you have to trust each other, and you have to communicate with each other. These are also the ingredients for a good relationship in general and not just a long distance one.
It is hard because you don't know if the person you are with is cheating on you, or they are not. But the only way is to talk to each other. My boyfriend and I skype every night and we email each other like crazy. We tell each other everything and we don't hide a thing from each other.
You also need trust. You have to trust them not to cheat on you and trust them when they say the are not. Unless you have proof other wise that says they are, but if you think they are cheating on you and they say the aren't. You have to trust them because you weren't there and there is nothing you have to say other wise.
A lot of people say that long distance relationship don't last and that is true because a lot of people don't want to take the time to make it work. I'm not saying it is easy, but if you get two people who are dedicated to each other and take the right steps, and you'll find that it works. Not to call anyone weak, but if your relationship is weak then it can't survive a long distance.
In fact that I find that this long distance relationship that I'm in made me stronger in both myself and my relationship. You'll also grow to apperciate each other more and what ever time that you do have, you don't take for granted. I am the few proof of a successful long distance relationship.
It is hard because you don't know if the person you are with is cheating on you, or they are not. But the only way is to talk to each other. My boyfriend and I skype every night and we email each other like crazy. We tell each other everything and we don't hide a thing from each other.
You also need trust. You have to trust them not to cheat on you and trust them when they say the are not. Unless you have proof other wise that says they are, but if you think they are cheating on you and they say the aren't. You have to trust them because you weren't there and there is nothing you have to say other wise.
A lot of people say that long distance relationship don't last and that is true because a lot of people don't want to take the time to make it work. I'm not saying it is easy, but if you get two people who are dedicated to each other and take the right steps, and you'll find that it works. Not to call anyone weak, but if your relationship is weak then it can't survive a long distance.
In fact that I find that this long distance relationship that I'm in made me stronger in both myself and my relationship. You'll also grow to apperciate each other more and what ever time that you do have, you don't take for granted. I am the few proof of a successful long distance relationship.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Early Childhood Education as a career?
For those who don't know me, or read my first blog about me I'm an early childhood education major. I just recently graduated with an Associates of Science in ECE. I've been working at the daycare 3 years going on 4 and I love every bit of it. The only down side about my center is that none of the teachers are full time and everyone has to watch their hours, or we will either be force to take time off, or have part of our checks taken out and put into a retirement plan (which isn't too bad). The center is part of the college so that means that we are on the same schedule as they are. That means we don't work for two weeks during Christmas time, and we are off for about 2 1/2 months during the summer. That is a lot of hours to miss. Those are the only down side of my work, but other than that its wonderful and is one of the best places I have ever worked.
This year I work the morning shift. I'm there at 7:30am and leave about 12-12:30pm. But I've been working almost full time because the person they hired in the afternoons to working the infant room changed their minds and decided not to take the job. So until they can hire a new person, they asked me if I could cover the afternoon shift on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday until they can hire someone. They interviewed one person and was going to hire them, but turned it down because it didn't pay enough. But luckily for me they just recently interviewed two possible teachers to work the afternoons in the infant room. One of them being an old employee who quit during the summer and wants to come back, and a new girl who wants to give her hand a try.
Because the center is at the college, it also means it is a lab school, so that the students who are learning child development can see what a classroom set up can look like and observe the children in their environment. Students can even take lab, so that they can be in the class room interacting with the teachers and the children. It is a great way to see if ECE is something that you want to do. But what bugs me is that the people who go into it thinking it is easy, or they can make a lot of money.
Working with children (and it doesn't matter what age) isn't easy. You have to watch what you say, wear, and do. Just as last year, the classroom I'm working in just started to have lab students and a good handful I've enjoy having around. But there is a few that I just wish they weren't trying to get in. They wear very nice clothes (and working with kids isn't a great idea, especially with the little ones) So they don't try to take part of the "messy" activities.
Working at a daycare and preschool isn't where the money is...I'm sorry that I have to say it, but it isn't. We don't get paid a lot for what we do. And if you want a career to make 20k a month, then this isn't the career for you. To be an early childhood educator, you have to be there for the kids and you have to love what you are doing. Your mind can't be about money, it should be on the kids.
Another thing that makes me mad is when people say that the early childhood educators are glorified babysitters. That isn't true! A babysitter is there to feed the kid, put them bed and just watches tv. We plan activities to get the child the next level and reach their full potential. We interact with them, we observed them, take notes, chart where they are, feed them, comfort them, help them, answer their questions to the best of our knowledge. We do so much more than a high school kid that lived down the block that did it to make a few bucks.
So for those who are thinking about going into Early Childhood Education just remember that you will get messy and that it is okay =P just don't wear anything nice. Know that you aren't going to get paid a lot of money. But that should matter if you really are passionate on becoming an early childhood educator. And don't confuse ECE teacher with a babysitter...they aren't the same.
This year I work the morning shift. I'm there at 7:30am and leave about 12-12:30pm. But I've been working almost full time because the person they hired in the afternoons to working the infant room changed their minds and decided not to take the job. So until they can hire a new person, they asked me if I could cover the afternoon shift on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday until they can hire someone. They interviewed one person and was going to hire them, but turned it down because it didn't pay enough. But luckily for me they just recently interviewed two possible teachers to work the afternoons in the infant room. One of them being an old employee who quit during the summer and wants to come back, and a new girl who wants to give her hand a try.
Because the center is at the college, it also means it is a lab school, so that the students who are learning child development can see what a classroom set up can look like and observe the children in their environment. Students can even take lab, so that they can be in the class room interacting with the teachers and the children. It is a great way to see if ECE is something that you want to do. But what bugs me is that the people who go into it thinking it is easy, or they can make a lot of money.
Working with children (and it doesn't matter what age) isn't easy. You have to watch what you say, wear, and do. Just as last year, the classroom I'm working in just started to have lab students and a good handful I've enjoy having around. But there is a few that I just wish they weren't trying to get in. They wear very nice clothes (and working with kids isn't a great idea, especially with the little ones) So they don't try to take part of the "messy" activities.
Working at a daycare and preschool isn't where the money is...I'm sorry that I have to say it, but it isn't. We don't get paid a lot for what we do. And if you want a career to make 20k a month, then this isn't the career for you. To be an early childhood educator, you have to be there for the kids and you have to love what you are doing. Your mind can't be about money, it should be on the kids.
Another thing that makes me mad is when people say that the early childhood educators are glorified babysitters. That isn't true! A babysitter is there to feed the kid, put them bed and just watches tv. We plan activities to get the child the next level and reach their full potential. We interact with them, we observed them, take notes, chart where they are, feed them, comfort them, help them, answer their questions to the best of our knowledge. We do so much more than a high school kid that lived down the block that did it to make a few bucks.
So for those who are thinking about going into Early Childhood Education just remember that you will get messy and that it is okay =P just don't wear anything nice. Know that you aren't going to get paid a lot of money. But that should matter if you really are passionate on becoming an early childhood educator. And don't confuse ECE teacher with a babysitter...they aren't the same.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Light Weights
Skinny girls should NOT complain about how "fat" they are. Especially around other girls that aren't that lucky to be thin. It is annoying to hear them whining about that they are fat when they are clearly not. Its annoying on 3 different levels. 1) They are whining about something that isn't a problem...and I'm not a fan of whining. 2) They say they have a problem (though they do not) and yet they don't do anything to fix it. 3) If they do something, its more and likely the unsafe thing like become anorexic or bulimic, and they kill themselves to "fix" their problem.
About 4 years ago, I use to work at Walmart and met some new friends as I was working. This one girl I met had so many issues about herself. She was about 5'5-5'7 and weighed about 90 to 100 pounds. She was a walking skeleton. She was very negative about every thing, like the world will end if she doesn't have a boyfriend, and that she thought that she was fat. I've been friends with her for about 6 months before I had enough of it. I would buy her lunch and she would only take one or two bites and then go straight to the bathroom and I won't see her for 2 hours. Then she called me up when I was babysitting for a friend. She told me that she was taking diet pills...After yelling at her and telling her the truth, I stop be friending her.
I still know a few skinny girls and they also say how they are fat, or that they talk about how much weight they are losing and go on how they don't need to. It does make me feel bad about me. I'm a little taller than a lot of girls and I'm a very curvy. So I start to think that I'm fat because the idea of if they think they are fat, then that makes me morbidly obese. Though I know that I'm not, but still I can't help to feel that way. And most these skinny girls don't realize how they are hurting others by just the way they talk. So skinny girls shouldn't talk about weight issues, unless its trying to gain weight.
About 4 years ago, I use to work at Walmart and met some new friends as I was working. This one girl I met had so many issues about herself. She was about 5'5-5'7 and weighed about 90 to 100 pounds. She was a walking skeleton. She was very negative about every thing, like the world will end if she doesn't have a boyfriend, and that she thought that she was fat. I've been friends with her for about 6 months before I had enough of it. I would buy her lunch and she would only take one or two bites and then go straight to the bathroom and I won't see her for 2 hours. Then she called me up when I was babysitting for a friend. She told me that she was taking diet pills...After yelling at her and telling her the truth, I stop be friending her.
I still know a few skinny girls and they also say how they are fat, or that they talk about how much weight they are losing and go on how they don't need to. It does make me feel bad about me. I'm a little taller than a lot of girls and I'm a very curvy. So I start to think that I'm fat because the idea of if they think they are fat, then that makes me morbidly obese. Though I know that I'm not, but still I can't help to feel that way. And most these skinny girls don't realize how they are hurting others by just the way they talk. So skinny girls shouldn't talk about weight issues, unless its trying to gain weight.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
All over the place
My mind is all over the place. I'm not in a bad mood, but I had all these thoughts running around in my head that happened awhile ago. A few things that happened to me at different times with different people that I just need to let out or I become upset with them and do something that I will not forgive myself for.
It sucks when you try to tell someone something and they don't seem to be listening to you. It is frustrating because you try to get a point across and then have to repeat yourself a billion times just for some people to get it. Its even worse when they hear you and they know what you said and mean, and they still do the opposite of what you say. I work at a daycare and it seems the kids are better listeners than the adults I know.
Its even more frustrating when they don't listen to a warning, like warning them not to jump front of a moving car, and they still do it anyways. Or a warning about a person who is bad news all over and they still don't listen to the warning. All you get is you are wrong and it can drive anyone crazy because it might as well say they don't trust you.
I also find it funny that a slutty bitch was dumped by her boyfriend and have to running my for the rescue. But he can't be an ass to her, nooo...but it is okay to be a real jerk to me...and it is kind of heartbreaking that he can't stand up to anyone, but can be a jerk to me and claim that I'm not caring enough...but can bend backwards for a bitch who is only using his stuff and can give a flying rat's ass about him. It sucks....
I feel at work that they don't care about me. They always pass me over and give credit for the people that don't do anything. But when they need someone to cover then I'm noticed. Everyone can have day off, but when I request one day off just to rest, then that isn't okay. It is okay for me to go over hours and get in trouble, but not everyone else.
I'm kind of upset at my best friend. I'm glad that her and my brother are hanging out and what not. Because I don't know who I rather have my brother hang out and be good friends than her. But when it is becoming to a point where she doesn't call you anymore and to call up him and make plans to hang out. But cancels on you or makes up a reason why she can't hang out with you is not cool. Its too a point I don't feel like she is my best friend anymore and is becoming my brother's.
It sucks when you try to tell someone something and they don't seem to be listening to you. It is frustrating because you try to get a point across and then have to repeat yourself a billion times just for some people to get it. Its even worse when they hear you and they know what you said and mean, and they still do the opposite of what you say. I work at a daycare and it seems the kids are better listeners than the adults I know.
Its even more frustrating when they don't listen to a warning, like warning them not to jump front of a moving car, and they still do it anyways. Or a warning about a person who is bad news all over and they still don't listen to the warning. All you get is you are wrong and it can drive anyone crazy because it might as well say they don't trust you.
I also find it funny that a slutty bitch was dumped by her boyfriend and have to running my for the rescue. But he can't be an ass to her, nooo...but it is okay to be a real jerk to me...and it is kind of heartbreaking that he can't stand up to anyone, but can be a jerk to me and claim that I'm not caring enough...but can bend backwards for a bitch who is only using his stuff and can give a flying rat's ass about him. It sucks....
I feel at work that they don't care about me. They always pass me over and give credit for the people that don't do anything. But when they need someone to cover then I'm noticed. Everyone can have day off, but when I request one day off just to rest, then that isn't okay. It is okay for me to go over hours and get in trouble, but not everyone else.
I'm kind of upset at my best friend. I'm glad that her and my brother are hanging out and what not. Because I don't know who I rather have my brother hang out and be good friends than her. But when it is becoming to a point where she doesn't call you anymore and to call up him and make plans to hang out. But cancels on you or makes up a reason why she can't hang out with you is not cool. Its too a point I don't feel like she is my best friend anymore and is becoming my brother's.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Lately I have notice that friendships are broken up because of big misunderstandings. Seeing yesterday's friends turn into today's enemies is really sad. What is worse is that you let a guy/girl get between you two. Ever heard of that saying "Boyfriends/Girlfriends come and go, but friends are a life time." If you have found a really good friend then you should hold on to dear life on to them. Good friends are hard to find and should be grateful if you do have a really good friend.
If you find that both of you like the same person then maybe you should go after them. Or if you like a person and then find out that the person you like, likes your other friend...maybe you should let them go and let them be happy. You can't help who you fall for, but also understand that if they don't have feelings for you, but they do have for your friend and your friend likes them then they should go out.
If you find that both of you do like the same person; the two of you need to talk it out and be honest to each other. It might be a little hurtful now, but it might save a friendship. Do not say nothing and then get mad about it, or if you knew that you friend likes a person you should go after them behind you friend's back. That is a low move to play. The key to a good relationship; either its a friendship or a relationship; is communication.
If you find that both of you like the same person then maybe you should go after them. Or if you like a person and then find out that the person you like, likes your other friend...maybe you should let them go and let them be happy. You can't help who you fall for, but also understand that if they don't have feelings for you, but they do have for your friend and your friend likes them then they should go out.
If you find that both of you do like the same person; the two of you need to talk it out and be honest to each other. It might be a little hurtful now, but it might save a friendship. Do not say nothing and then get mad about it, or if you knew that you friend likes a person you should go after them behind you friend's back. That is a low move to play. The key to a good relationship; either its a friendship or a relationship; is communication.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
It has been 10 years ago on this day when 3,000 innocent souls perished, and a day when America would be changed forever. My own life was affected as I remember seeing the how the events unfolded. Since that day, Many families have lost a few great men and women from the war in Afghanistan. So pray for those lost in 2001 and those who were lost and still fighting in 2011. For whatever reason you feel we are in this war with Afghanistan, we should support our men and women who are fighting for the rights you have that you take for granted and the beliefs that believe; Even if you think we are there for oil, because we got attacked, or to spread democracy to those who are less fortunate. We will never forget
Friday, September 9, 2011
Life is good
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
No one
I'm the one that you cut in fornt of
I'm No one
I'm the one you don't listen to when trying to speak
I'm No one
I'm the one that you think is wrong
I'm No one
I'm the one that gets over looked
I'm No one
I'm the one that gets passed over
I'm No one
I'm the one that is willing to help, but is ignored
I'm No one
I'm the one that will be upset or mad, but you'll tell me I'll get over it
I'm No one
I'm going to be the one to make something of myself
I'm someone
I'm going to go for my goals
I'm someone
I'm going to be successful
I'm someone
I'm going to show you who is wrong
I'm someone
I'm No one
I'm the one you don't listen to when trying to speak
I'm No one
I'm the one that you think is wrong
I'm No one
I'm the one that gets over looked
I'm No one
I'm the one that gets passed over
I'm No one
I'm the one that is willing to help, but is ignored
I'm No one
I'm the one that will be upset or mad, but you'll tell me I'll get over it
I'm No one
I'm going to be the one to make something of myself
I'm someone
I'm going to go for my goals
I'm someone
I'm going to be successful
I'm someone
I'm going to show you who is wrong
I'm someone
Thursday, September 1, 2011
My computer has caught a virus and it isn't working anymore. When I turn it on, it will go to the logo page and then it goes to the blank page and it is stuck like that. A virus tried many times to attack my computer, but Norton's said that it was blocked and that nothing needs to be done....Yeah right....
One of my many good friends is trying very hard to fix it, but sadly from the way he made it sound is that isn't going to work. I finally told my dad the other day and I'm waiting to hear him scream about money and blahblah....but he was very kind about it. He said that he has some ideas that might work to fix it. So my fingers are crossed to have my computer fix. The worse case is that I will have to by a new one (it sucks, but I did find some nice computers that I can afford)
One of my many good friends is trying very hard to fix it, but sadly from the way he made it sound is that isn't going to work. I finally told my dad the other day and I'm waiting to hear him scream about money and blahblah....but he was very kind about it. He said that he has some ideas that might work to fix it. So my fingers are crossed to have my computer fix. The worse case is that I will have to by a new one (it sucks, but I did find some nice computers that I can afford)
Monday, August 29, 2011
3 Years
Okay, I would like to share that it is my 3 year anniversary with my boyfriend! 3 years ago this amazing the day before called me up and asked if I would like to go see a movie with him. I agreed to his request. 3 years ago to this day I was waiting for my bus, but it was running late. When I finally got there I did see him at first, so I sat by the fountain to wait for him. I started to look around to see if I can see him, and there he was sitting behind me was him!
As we were waiting for the movie to start we started to make a lot of promises to each other, some of them being silly. After the movie he asked if I need a ride home. I told him that would be great if he can. As he was driving me home he started to tell me how I'm a really good friend and all that fun stuff. Leading up to him asking me if I can be his girlfriend. Of course I said yes! So here we are today 3 years ago, 2 of the years being a long distance relationship. I love him very much!!!
As we were waiting for the movie to start we started to make a lot of promises to each other, some of them being silly. After the movie he asked if I need a ride home. I told him that would be great if he can. As he was driving me home he started to tell me how I'm a really good friend and all that fun stuff. Leading up to him asking me if I can be his girlfriend. Of course I said yes! So here we are today 3 years ago, 2 of the years being a long distance relationship. I love him very much!!!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Feelings of frustration
A few days ago I get a friend request from a guy. At first I thought it was like a family member because the last name were the same as one of my 2nd cousins. But I found out it wasn't a family member at all, but it was a guy that I got set up on a blind date 3 years ago. The first date went fine, we went to see the Dark Knight and talked a little bit. But the second date is what helped made up my mind about him. He wanted me to take a train up to Palmdale, an area I have no idea about. Lucky for me that two of my friends said that they would make a double date and they would take me home after wards.
So when we all met up, he kind of seem very upset that they were there. I told him that I don't know him all that well and I'm not meeting him alone in an area that I'm not too familiar with. We went to see Tropic Thunder and through out the movie, he was complaining about it and asking me if we could go. From there I knew that it wasn't going to work. I figure that I was just a booty call for him.
Three years later, he finds me and last time I heard was that he had a girlfriend and they seem to be very happy. But I guess just a few weeks ago they broke up. He messages me and of course I will talk to him, but what is frustrating is that he asked me all these questions that if I find him attractive, or if we could hang out. I told him that I can't answer any question on how attracted to a person I am is because I'm only attracted to one guy, and that is my boyfriend. He hints that he wants me to give up everything that I have and build with a wonderful person for three years (as of tomorrow) to be with someone that I only hung out twice.
He thinks that we are compaitblele with each other, even when I told him that we are not. Our sense of humor is different, he doesn't like to go out and I like to be social every now again. And from the two times of hanging out with this guy, it seems that if he is looking for a booty call/servant-house keeper. I told him that I have my boyfriend that I love very much and I'm not throwing that away.
So when we all met up, he kind of seem very upset that they were there. I told him that I don't know him all that well and I'm not meeting him alone in an area that I'm not too familiar with. We went to see Tropic Thunder and through out the movie, he was complaining about it and asking me if we could go. From there I knew that it wasn't going to work. I figure that I was just a booty call for him.
Three years later, he finds me and last time I heard was that he had a girlfriend and they seem to be very happy. But I guess just a few weeks ago they broke up. He messages me and of course I will talk to him, but what is frustrating is that he asked me all these questions that if I find him attractive, or if we could hang out. I told him that I can't answer any question on how attracted to a person I am is because I'm only attracted to one guy, and that is my boyfriend. He hints that he wants me to give up everything that I have and build with a wonderful person for three years (as of tomorrow) to be with someone that I only hung out twice.
He thinks that we are compaitblele with each other, even when I told him that we are not. Our sense of humor is different, he doesn't like to go out and I like to be social every now again. And from the two times of hanging out with this guy, it seems that if he is looking for a booty call/servant-house keeper. I told him that I have my boyfriend that I love very much and I'm not throwing that away.
Monday, August 22, 2011
There are many people who have found their Mr. or Mrs. Right and the ones that haven't found their one and only, they wonder "Why can't I find my true love." Well love isn't easy and sometimes we let the outer appearance fog our judgment. You know in high school there is this nice, sweet, smart person that has a huge crush on you, but you decided that they weren't your type because you thought that they were beneath you and that you feel that you deserve the hottest person on campus, or something along those lines.... And what ends up happening that that hot person ends up being a real jerk and treats you real badly. We need to get to know a person on a much deeper level to get to know them and see who they really are. Their personalities will shine through and you realize how beautiful, or handsome a person can really be. Or the person you thought that was super cute ends up being a real pain in to butt and is really mean to everyone ends up not being so great looking...
And there is the people who feel lonely because they don't have anyone...and yes, love is an amazing feeling to feel and having someone to share this feelings with is the best feeling in the world! But the advice I will give is don't go looking for it. You'll just end up looking for love at all the wrong places with all the wrong people. You should just take care of you and be happy for everything in your life. Because a partner isn't going to get you a job (you are), they aren't going to get you through school (you are), and they aren't going to decide your life for you (you are) Once you stop looking and start having a good time and doing everything in life that you want to do someone may show up and they may end up being the one.
This one guy I know has a huge crush on this one girl for the longest time and she would be nice to him and what not. But she is really shallow and only go for the popular guys. So one day he asked her to go out for lunch as friends. She agrees to it and when the day comes, she makes up a some phony story of why she couldn't make it, so the scheduled for another day. When that day came, she doesn't show and calls him up saying that she doesn't think its right and said "I don't like you" He was all heartbroken about it. I told him that its better to be single and have your friends then to end up with someone who doesn't love you and will mistreat you. What is the point of being in a relationship if you aren't going to be happy.
Don't shut off from possible relationships, but don't jump into them blind. Take it slow, get to know the person, and be yourself. Also remember to be happy with yourself because if you aren't happy with you and how are you going to be happy in a relationship.
And there is the people who feel lonely because they don't have anyone...and yes, love is an amazing feeling to feel and having someone to share this feelings with is the best feeling in the world! But the advice I will give is don't go looking for it. You'll just end up looking for love at all the wrong places with all the wrong people. You should just take care of you and be happy for everything in your life. Because a partner isn't going to get you a job (you are), they aren't going to get you through school (you are), and they aren't going to decide your life for you (you are) Once you stop looking and start having a good time and doing everything in life that you want to do someone may show up and they may end up being the one.
This one guy I know has a huge crush on this one girl for the longest time and she would be nice to him and what not. But she is really shallow and only go for the popular guys. So one day he asked her to go out for lunch as friends. She agrees to it and when the day comes, she makes up a some phony story of why she couldn't make it, so the scheduled for another day. When that day came, she doesn't show and calls him up saying that she doesn't think its right and said "I don't like you" He was all heartbroken about it. I told him that its better to be single and have your friends then to end up with someone who doesn't love you and will mistreat you. What is the point of being in a relationship if you aren't going to be happy.
Don't shut off from possible relationships, but don't jump into them blind. Take it slow, get to know the person, and be yourself. Also remember to be happy with yourself because if you aren't happy with you and how are you going to be happy in a relationship.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
The reason for women
I saw this and I thought it was beautiful, so I figure I would share this:
“When I created the heavens and the earth, I spoke
them into being. When I created man, I formed him from
the dust of the Earth and breathed life into his
nostrils. But you, woman, I fashioned after I breathed
the breath of life into man because your nostrils are
too delicate. I allowed a deep sleep to come over him
so I could patiently and perfectly fashion you. Man
was put to sleep so that he could not interfere with
the creativity. From one bone I fashioned you. I chose
the bone that protects man’s life. I chose the rib,
which protects his heart and lungs and supports him,
as you are meant to do.”
“Around this one bone I shaped you. I modeled you. I
created you perfectly and beautifully. Your
characteristics are as the rib, strong yet delicate
and fragile. You provide protection for the most
delicate organ in man, his heart. His heart is the
center of his being; his lungs hold the breath of
life. The rib cage will allow itself to be broken
before it will allow damage to the heart. Support man
as the rib cage supports the body.”
“You were not taken from his feet, to be under him,
nor were you taken from his head, to be above him. You
were taken from his side, to stand beside him and be
held close to his side. You are my perfect angel. You
are my beautiful little girl. You have grown to be a
splendid woman of excellence, and my eyes fill when I
see the virtue in your heart. Your eyes: don’t change
them. Your lips: how lovely when they part in prayer.
Your nose so perfect in form, your hands so gentle to
touch. I’ve caressed your face in your deepest sleep;
I’ve held your heart close to mine. Of all that lives
and breathes, you are the most like me.”
“Adam walked with me in the cool of the day and yet he
was lonely. He could not see me or touch me. He could
only feel me. So everything I wanted Adam to share and
experience with me, I fashioned in you: my holiness,
my strength, my purity, my love, my protection and
support. You are special because you are the extension
of me.”
“Man represents my image, woman – my emotions.
Together, you represent the totality of God. So man:
treat woman well. Love her, respect her, for she is
fragile. In hurting her, you hurt me. What you do to
her, you do to me. In crushing her, you only damage
your own heart, the heart of your Father and the heart
of her Father. Woman, support man. In humility, show
him the power of emotion I have given you. In gentle
quietness show your strength. In love, show him that
you are the rib that protects his inner self.”
“When I created the heavens and the earth, I spoke
them into being. When I created man, I formed him from
the dust of the Earth and breathed life into his
nostrils. But you, woman, I fashioned after I breathed
the breath of life into man because your nostrils are
too delicate. I allowed a deep sleep to come over him
so I could patiently and perfectly fashion you. Man
was put to sleep so that he could not interfere with
the creativity. From one bone I fashioned you. I chose
the bone that protects man’s life. I chose the rib,
which protects his heart and lungs and supports him,
as you are meant to do.”
“Around this one bone I shaped you. I modeled you. I
created you perfectly and beautifully. Your
characteristics are as the rib, strong yet delicate
and fragile. You provide protection for the most
delicate organ in man, his heart. His heart is the
center of his being; his lungs hold the breath of
life. The rib cage will allow itself to be broken
before it will allow damage to the heart. Support man
as the rib cage supports the body.”
“You were not taken from his feet, to be under him,
nor were you taken from his head, to be above him. You
were taken from his side, to stand beside him and be
held close to his side. You are my perfect angel. You
are my beautiful little girl. You have grown to be a
splendid woman of excellence, and my eyes fill when I
see the virtue in your heart. Your eyes: don’t change
them. Your lips: how lovely when they part in prayer.
Your nose so perfect in form, your hands so gentle to
touch. I’ve caressed your face in your deepest sleep;
I’ve held your heart close to mine. Of all that lives
and breathes, you are the most like me.”
“Adam walked with me in the cool of the day and yet he
was lonely. He could not see me or touch me. He could
only feel me. So everything I wanted Adam to share and
experience with me, I fashioned in you: my holiness,
my strength, my purity, my love, my protection and
support. You are special because you are the extension
of me.”
“Man represents my image, woman – my emotions.
Together, you represent the totality of God. So man:
treat woman well. Love her, respect her, for she is
fragile. In hurting her, you hurt me. What you do to
her, you do to me. In crushing her, you only damage
your own heart, the heart of your Father and the heart
of her Father. Woman, support man. In humility, show
him the power of emotion I have given you. In gentle
quietness show your strength. In love, show him that
you are the rib that protects his inner self.”
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
I'm already done with my classes to get my degree in Early Childhood Education. But I don't have enough classes to get my master teacher permit. So over the summer I sign up for a class for the fall, and it was an online class. It was the ECE 201 Supervision class, but I found out that is for people who work behind the desk and not the right class for my permit and the class that I do need is ECE 220, and they already offered it last semester and its one of those classes that they only offer it so many times. I'm kind of feeling down about it.
So I drop the class because it cost me $144 (I know that is cheap and that there is people have to pay more for books) and I could use the money to hold me over for the month. And that class isn't going to really do me any good right now.
But I found out that they are going to have that class again in the spring, but not sure which campus its going to be at and it is a late class. So I'm feeling a little bit better and I'm going to hope that they are offering the 220 class and that I can pass it, so I can get my master teacher permit! There is still hope for me yet!
So I drop the class because it cost me $144 (I know that is cheap and that there is people have to pay more for books) and I could use the money to hold me over for the month. And that class isn't going to really do me any good right now.
But I found out that they are going to have that class again in the spring, but not sure which campus its going to be at and it is a late class. So I'm feeling a little bit better and I'm going to hope that they are offering the 220 class and that I can pass it, so I can get my master teacher permit! There is still hope for me yet!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Working in a daycare means that that the teachers work together. Doing the work together to make sure everything runs smoother and the job can get done. The way our center work is that we do looping. We get the kids for two years and then they move on to a new teacher. But we don't stay in the same classroom, they switch to a different classroom, but they are still with their friends and teachers they had in the first year. Last year before summer vacation, a teacher came up to us and said "Once you clean the outside toys, put them in the bag and store it in the classroom. This way it is one less thing to do. And we will do the same in our yard." So we spent the whole last week before break to do just that. Yesterday we came back from break and started to get things ready, only to find that they didn't do a single thing both the outside and inside.
Lucky that we had a lot of staff people to work on outside and we were able to get inside all cleaned up in two days! Now we are finished and tomorrow is the first day back for the the children. I have a feeling that this year is going to be a pretty good year. Both the rooms seem to be able to work together and getting along. Which would be the first time since the one master teacher in the other room is impossible to work with. But I don't think we have to worry too much about her anymore and just have a good time with the kids! I have a feeling that this is going to be a good school year! =)
Lucky that we had a lot of staff people to work on outside and we were able to get inside all cleaned up in two days! Now we are finished and tomorrow is the first day back for the the children. I have a feeling that this year is going to be a pretty good year. Both the rooms seem to be able to work together and getting along. Which would be the first time since the one master teacher in the other room is impossible to work with. But I don't think we have to worry too much about her anymore and just have a good time with the kids! I have a feeling that this is going to be a good school year! =)
Sunday, August 14, 2011
It sucks when someone cheats on you..I know because my first boyfriend cheated on me probably more than once all I know, and my current boyfriend almost cheated on me. Its not the best feeling in the world. You think "I am not good enough for them" or "What did I do wrong?" You also tend to blame yourself for why your partner cheated on you. And the ones that cheat will come up with a reason why it is okay to cheat: 1) The relationship is bad, 2) They cheated on me, 3) I might lose a their friendship, 4) I got bored of the relationship, or any other reason. But cheating isn't okay at all for any reason; if you are in a bad relationship or you are bored in a relationship then you should break up with them...it would hurt less then to drag it out and they find out that you cheated on them. If they cheated on you, then you should talk it out, but don't go find someone and sleep with them. Two wrongs don't make a right and you will be sinking down to their level and that isn't right. If someone is trying to sleep with you and they know that you are in a relationship already, maybe they aren't a good friend if they can't be respectful and how is that cool to break off a sure thing for something that would be more than a one night stand.
I know a few people who are cheating on other people. All last semester this one guy went through a billion girlfriends...right there that isn't right that he kept breaking it off to be with someone "better." So he finally meets this really nice woman and he cheats on her with a younger girl. That was a messy situation all together. Then my brother's ex girlfriend at the time girlfriend cheated on him with his best friend now ex best friend and played the game of giving him the run around. Now I learn that my brother is making out with a girl who already has a boyfriend. I can't believe how low he has sunk to do that to another person after going through with something similar. Cheating is wrong and people should do it for whatever the lame reason they have. If you don't like it then break up, but also don't break up with a person just so you can be with another person. You might as well be cheating on them...
I know a few people who are cheating on other people. All last semester this one guy went through a billion girlfriends...right there that isn't right that he kept breaking it off to be with someone "better." So he finally meets this really nice woman and he cheats on her with a younger girl. That was a messy situation all together. Then my brother's ex girlfriend at the time girlfriend cheated on him with his best friend now ex best friend and played the game of giving him the run around. Now I learn that my brother is making out with a girl who already has a boyfriend. I can't believe how low he has sunk to do that to another person after going through with something similar. Cheating is wrong and people should do it for whatever the lame reason they have. If you don't like it then break up, but also don't break up with a person just so you can be with another person. You might as well be cheating on them...
Friday, August 12, 2011
A few weeks ago, I was at the bus station waiting for my bus to show up after a day of babysitting. This guy comes up to me and asked me if I had any money to give him because his car was out of gas and he need to pick up his kids. So I gave him some money for gas, but after I was second guessing if that was a right idea. Yesterday I was with a couple of friends in front of the theater waiting for another friend. The same guy comes up to us and asked for money for gas and his kids are stuck and he needed to get them. I told him no, and one of my friend gave him some pocket change about maybe 25 cents. I told them that he asked for money a few weeks ago and that he prove to be a lazy, lying, jerk. About another hour went by we see him again with a bag from one of the stores at the mall and still asking for money. I kind of felt mad about the whole thing where people work for their money and this guy is going around lying to get money and buying stuff; when he said it was to pick up his kids.
I'm also mad at the fact that I thought his kids were in trouble and that is why I gave him the money few weeks ago. I'm sure that is why people gave him any money. But to lie about that is just wrong, I also really think that he doesn't have any kids. I work hard for my money and seeing someone going up to people making up a story and then gets money just to lie. That isn't cool! All I know is that if I see him again with that same story, I'm going to call the cops on him. Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice shame on you!
I'm also mad at the fact that I thought his kids were in trouble and that is why I gave him the money few weeks ago. I'm sure that is why people gave him any money. But to lie about that is just wrong, I also really think that he doesn't have any kids. I work hard for my money and seeing someone going up to people making up a story and then gets money just to lie. That isn't cool! All I know is that if I see him again with that same story, I'm going to call the cops on him. Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice shame on you!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Not that long ago I just walked through the mall to get to the library because it would be faster than the other route. I walk passed on of the stands that are outside the stores. This guy wanted to use a new flat iron on my hair, so I went along with it to see how it works because when I start getting more money, I'm going to need a new one. But I don't need a new one right this very minute. Then he assumes that I'm going to buy it. I told that I don't have the money to buy it right now. He wouldn't take no for an answer. I felt like a rape victim. He kept asking for my card to pay for it and I kept telling him no, I don't have the money. So I finally had enough and I started to cry, he started to freak out because I was scaring away his other customers and told me that I can come back when I have have more money.
I walked away feeling pretty upset. I should had to cry to get this guy to leave me alone, but I'm glad that it worked. All I know is that when it is time to get a new flat iron, I'm not going to that guy!
I walked away feeling pretty upset. I should had to cry to get this guy to leave me alone, but I'm glad that it worked. All I know is that when it is time to get a new flat iron, I'm not going to that guy!
Saturday, August 6, 2011
I just want to let everyone know that I appreciate my boyfriend very much. I just got off skype with him, and he was telling me how much he appreciated for the things I do and thank me for things that really do not need any thanking. But the fact that he is so grateful for the things I do which I see that aren't that big of a deal made me realize that he is grateful for me and the small things I do for him. My ex boyfriend wasn't as grateful as my boyfriend now; I paid for all of the dates and what not, and he has not thank me or seem very grateful for it. It made me feel horrible.
I'm very grateful for my boyfriend. He makes me laugh, feel good about myself, and supports everything I do. He feels that he needs to do more for me, but I'm happy for the things he already does for me. I love him very much and I'm so lucky that he has asked me to be his. I couldn't have asked for a greater man in my life than the one I have. Almost 3 years and we are still madly in love with each other is amazing! I'm a very lucky person to have such a wonderful man and I love him very much and I'm grateful for the things he does for me.
I'm very grateful for my boyfriend. He makes me laugh, feel good about myself, and supports everything I do. He feels that he needs to do more for me, but I'm happy for the things he already does for me. I love him very much and I'm so lucky that he has asked me to be his. I couldn't have asked for a greater man in my life than the one I have. Almost 3 years and we are still madly in love with each other is amazing! I'm a very lucky person to have such a wonderful man and I love him very much and I'm grateful for the things he does for me.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
As of yesterday I took up knitting. Today, I've learn the basics to knitting and let me tell you that it is not easy. The joy of working with yarn started about a year or so when my friend bought me a crochet hook and a giant thing of pink yarn and showed me how to crochet. Then I made my boyfriend a scarf (It was horrible, but he seems to love it) and then another friend of mine told me that I was doing it wrong. I was using the wrong kind of stitches and she showed me other kinds of stitches I could use, helping me improve even more. Then I went on crocheting a bunch of stuff. But I felt that I was limited of what I could do with yarn. Yesterday I went to walmart and picked up some yarn and a pair of knitting needles and try to learn how to knit. Yesterday I had to stop because I wasn't getting it. Today I went to youtube and it showed me an easier way to cast on yarn on the needle. Casting on from hand to needle is much easier than casting from needle to needle. After learning to to cast on, I've started to learn how to knit and make stitches. I'm picking it up really quickly, but I still need to work on it to get better and learn the cool, fancy designs for scarves and sweaters and all sorts of stuff I can knit.
I'm not giving up on crocheting, I'm just learning other things and be able to do more. I like how the dolls look by crocheting them over knitting them. Also crocheting is much easier to do than knitting. Right now my first knitting project I'm working on is a scarf for my mom. It won't be easy; especially they type of yarn I'm using. The yarn I'm using is very fluffy and it easily falls apart. So needless to say I had to stop, and put down everything and I'm going to go back at it the next day and maybe get even better at it =)
I guess there is a moral in here...If you are interested in doing something that you should give it a try. And if it is too hard to do it, just keep practicing and you'll get better. Start of doing one step or lesson at a time, keep working on it until you get better doing it. Once you have mastered that one lesson, move on to the next one and work on that until you are good at it. And if you start to get frustrated, just stop and walk away and go back at it once you are clam and have a clear mind. Don't give up and keep practicing because a little hard work over time will make anything you do a lot easier to do and you'll get better at it.
I'm not giving up on crocheting, I'm just learning other things and be able to do more. I like how the dolls look by crocheting them over knitting them. Also crocheting is much easier to do than knitting. Right now my first knitting project I'm working on is a scarf for my mom. It won't be easy; especially they type of yarn I'm using. The yarn I'm using is very fluffy and it easily falls apart. So needless to say I had to stop, and put down everything and I'm going to go back at it the next day and maybe get even better at it =)
I guess there is a moral in here...If you are interested in doing something that you should give it a try. And if it is too hard to do it, just keep practicing and you'll get better. Start of doing one step or lesson at a time, keep working on it until you get better doing it. Once you have mastered that one lesson, move on to the next one and work on that until you are good at it. And if you start to get frustrated, just stop and walk away and go back at it once you are clam and have a clear mind. Don't give up and keep practicing because a little hard work over time will make anything you do a lot easier to do and you'll get better at it.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
The" L" word
Love is beautiful, love is kind, love is a wonderful feeling to feel. And there is different types of love. There is love for your family and friends, and there is love for your significant other. Though we don't say "I love you" enough and we should say it more. You don't know when its the last time you'll see them again, so let them know that you love them. Also don't be afraid to say it because of what other people say or think. It takes more courage to say "I love you" in front of your friends. But what do they say instead..."I really like you." I can see you saying it to someone you have a crush on, or trying to go on a date with someone. But to someone you've known for a long time, or been with a long time don't just say "I like you" or "I really like you." It makes the person you're with feel that you are embarrassed to be with them if you can say the words "I love you." it in front of your friends or other people. And none of the "You know what I mean" or the "by this, you mean this"...NO! Because you are just making up a reason why you can't say it. Just say the words! And if people say something, then they are jealous because they don't have someone to say those amazing words, or too scared to say it
I love my work, I love my friends, I love my family, I love my boyfriend and I don't care who sees it or what they think of it. I have these feelings and I'm going to let them known! And if you are afraid to say it because of the thought "What might my friends think" or "My friends might think I'm a sissy" try thinking that maybe they are jealous of the fact that you have someone to say it to, or that you have the courage to say it to them and don't care what others think.
I love my work, I love my friends, I love my family, I love my boyfriend and I don't care who sees it or what they think of it. I have these feelings and I'm going to let them known! And if you are afraid to say it because of the thought "What might my friends think" or "My friends might think I'm a sissy" try thinking that maybe they are jealous of the fact that you have someone to say it to, or that you have the courage to say it to them and don't care what others think.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
This fall
Okay, I just sign up for my online class for the fall. I'm taking ECE 201 SUPERVISION AND ADMINISTRATION Of CHILDREN'S PROGRAMS. It starts the 22nd and it ends Oct 15. This class is the type where the only offer it so many times and then you have to wait a few years until they offer it again, and I don't know when they offer it again. I thought I miss my chance to take that class because they offered it last spring. I've had people come up to me and asked "Why are you taking more, aren't you finish with school?" Well yes and no. I've just finished and got my A.S. degree in ECE. But most places at different daycare require a teacher permit. I want to go for the highest teacher permit for a daycare and go for the master teacher permit. A master teacher gets to work with lab students and I figure it will help me mange a classroom of my own, once I get my own classroom. Plus it means more money, and by having a master teacher permit will make me look good and gives me an edge over some of the others that are trying to go for the same thing. I'm really excited to start my class and get my master teacher permit and hopefully to get my own classroom.
I guess there is a moral of this short story and that is to don't settle with less. If you get the chance to do something great, go for it! Because you don't know when you can get your chance like that to do something to move you ahead in life.
I guess there is a moral of this short story and that is to don't settle with less. If you get the chance to do something great, go for it! Because you don't know when you can get your chance like that to do something to move you ahead in life.
Monday, July 25, 2011
I've just saw on the yahoo homepage a thing saying about how a mom was going to jail because her 4 year old son jaywalked and got hit. I'm sure it was an accident, but that is just bad parenting for two reasons. Reason number one, did she teach her child to jaywalk, did she teach him to use the cross walks and what the signs mean? Reason number two, where were you when your kid was crossing the street? Accident or not, you have to be more attentive to your kid and you should be punish.
This also made me think of the Casey Anthony case. How she murder her daughter and then made the cops go on a wild goose chase. It just seems odd that they found stuff like how to break someone's neck, and ect...and didn't say anything for a month. Told the cops that her kid was kidnap by a nanny. There was no such person. Also the other cases about parents killing their children. Like that one mother who locked her kids in the car and drove it in the river, and they drowned. It just...do I dare say it...grinds my gears that these people that have children, and they decide that its too much for them and they don't want to do it anymore. It isn't the child's fault that you got knocked up and it is going to ruin your party time. There is other ways if you weren't ready to be a parent, there's other things, abortion or adoption. No child should be murdered because you didn't want to be parent anymore because you stop finding it fun. There are people who want to have kids and for some reason they can't have one of their own and wish they could.
This also made me think of the Casey Anthony case. How she murder her daughter and then made the cops go on a wild goose chase. It just seems odd that they found stuff like how to break someone's neck, and ect...and didn't say anything for a month. Told the cops that her kid was kidnap by a nanny. There was no such person. Also the other cases about parents killing their children. Like that one mother who locked her kids in the car and drove it in the river, and they drowned. It just...do I dare say it...grinds my gears that these people that have children, and they decide that its too much for them and they don't want to do it anymore. It isn't the child's fault that you got knocked up and it is going to ruin your party time. There is other ways if you weren't ready to be a parent, there's other things, abortion or adoption. No child should be murdered because you didn't want to be parent anymore because you stop finding it fun. There are people who want to have kids and for some reason they can't have one of their own and wish they could.
Friday, July 22, 2011
Pity Party
I'm sure everyone, or almost everyone that has a facebook knows what my rant will be about. I've mostly seen young women doing this, although I have seen a few guys making similar posts. But it drives me crazy how people post something that sounds like something out of a motivation poster. For example, I've seen some girls posting something like this "I am not hot or gorgeous. I don't have an amazing figure or flat stomach. I'm not far from being a model, but I'm me...", "I'm never going to find someone that is going to love me, I'm not good enough for love, I'm a horrible person", or one of my favorites "It's amazing how much pain you hold inside without letting anyone know you're hurting :(" (Yes, these are actual post I've seen. Though I've changed it up a bit; just in case someone sees it and then know who I'm talking about)
You know the type of people are the ones that have well to do families and they get everything they want, and when their parents start acting like parents, then that is a problem and they start throwing a fit because that isn't fair because they actually have to start earning a living like most people do. They are the type of people that make a post about it, sharing to their friends about their problems which isn't a problem most of the time. And the only reason they post their problems on facebook so someone will asked them the what is the deal. And more and likely they are freaking out because they probably think something horrible has happened like someone is in the hospital or someone lost a loved one. So the supportive, caring friends will ask "whats wrong" or "that isn't fair" or "if you need anything, I'm here" and they also try to cheer up the little wanna be emo, and the little brat will reply "you don't understand, you'll never get me" Well that was a nice little slap to the face
I know some will say, well don't read them or block their post so you don't have to see it. But like I said before, its a ranting blog, so you don't have to read it either ;) But all I have to say is that instead of posting your so called problems just so you can have people feel sorry for you and then have the nerve to say they don't "get" you, how about going out there and fix the problem, or try to fix it, so your life isn't that bad as you claim it to be. Just remember that there is always one person that have it much worse than you do. Try looking at the bright side life. If you have people that care enough to call you or message you to check on you because they saw something and the got worried, jut remember that at least you have friends, and that you have a home, a computer and everything else that a lot of people don't have. So stop being such an ungrateful little brat and start being thankful for what you do have and stop crying over what you don't. It might do you some good.
You know the type of people are the ones that have well to do families and they get everything they want, and when their parents start acting like parents, then that is a problem and they start throwing a fit because that isn't fair because they actually have to start earning a living like most people do. They are the type of people that make a post about it, sharing to their friends about their problems which isn't a problem most of the time. And the only reason they post their problems on facebook so someone will asked them the what is the deal. And more and likely they are freaking out because they probably think something horrible has happened like someone is in the hospital or someone lost a loved one. So the supportive, caring friends will ask "whats wrong" or "that isn't fair" or "if you need anything, I'm here" and they also try to cheer up the little wanna be emo, and the little brat will reply "you don't understand, you'll never get me" Well that was a nice little slap to the face
I know some will say, well don't read them or block their post so you don't have to see it. But like I said before, its a ranting blog, so you don't have to read it either ;) But all I have to say is that instead of posting your so called problems just so you can have people feel sorry for you and then have the nerve to say they don't "get" you, how about going out there and fix the problem, or try to fix it, so your life isn't that bad as you claim it to be. Just remember that there is always one person that have it much worse than you do. Try looking at the bright side life. If you have people that care enough to call you or message you to check on you because they saw something and the got worried, jut remember that at least you have friends, and that you have a home, a computer and everything else that a lot of people don't have. So stop being such an ungrateful little brat and start being thankful for what you do have and stop crying over what you don't. It might do you some good.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Yesterday, I've talked to both my friend, and my boyfriend and we were talking about moochers and how much they suck! I understand that the job market does suck because no one is hiring and that making money is hard. But to assume that someone is going to pay for you when you go out. Its not cool to say "hey lets go here to get something to eat." as you pick a pricey place to eat and making it seem like you are going to pay for yourself, and then come out (after placing your order of the most expensive thing they have) to say "Oh by the way, I don't have any money on me." That isn't cool at all. It puts people on the spot, and it makes them feel bad because they don't want to look like the bad guy, but making them very angry at the same time.
Other types of moocher are the ones that assume they can come over your place and the start using your stuff like the kitchen, video games, ect...and have the nerve to make up bullshit lies like saying you were with someone when you know damn well that you weren't. And the only thing you can say "I don't know" Wow...didn't know you are that stupid.
Well, I don't like moochers very much and really, they need to stop...because they are going to find themselves realizing that people are going to get sick of it and then they are going to cut you off. So its time to start fending yourself a bit more and stop hitting people up for money or their stuff. GROW UP MOOCHERS
Other types of moocher are the ones that assume they can come over your place and the start using your stuff like the kitchen, video games, ect...and have the nerve to make up bullshit lies like saying you were with someone when you know damn well that you weren't. And the only thing you can say "I don't know" Wow...didn't know you are that stupid.
Well, I don't like moochers very much and really, they need to stop...because they are going to find themselves realizing that people are going to get sick of it and then they are going to cut you off. So its time to start fending yourself a bit more and stop hitting people up for money or their stuff. GROW UP MOOCHERS
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Okay I know that they say that jealousy is an ugly thing, but I can't help getting pissed off when I see three horrible trouble making twits posting stuff on my boyfriend's stuff! I know I can't say anything to them because I don't know them and they are his friends; and he does have the right to be friends to who ever he wants to be, even though they can all fall off of a cliff. Every time I see them communicate with him...I can't help to feel really angry and wanting to cry. I know girls like them and they are not good news. I have to just suck it up, smile like nothing is wrong and bottle up this feeling of I'm going to kick some butts. I hate it and there is nothing to do, but to cry. I know hate is a very strong word, but I'm not afraid to say that I do!
One phrase, one word
There are a lot of people that have one word, or phrase that drive them insane. Some people hate the word like, maybe because there is so many people use that word in between other words. Example: "So like I went to the mall and like saw a cute shirt and like tried it on and like my bff is like no way..." Yeah, I can see how that can make anyone go insane. I was going crazy just typing it out. Ha! Some reasons why people don't like a word, or a phrase is because it reminds them of something they don't like, or a horrible experiences to that word or phrase. Some words and phrases people don't like, or people hate with a passion. There are words and phrases that I don't care for or bug me a little, but not to the point of hate. But there are two things that people say or type that just kind of bug me a little more so. I don't like it when people type out "K" or "KK" and "So much win." Don't get me wrong, it isn't where you say or type it out, I'm going to chop your head off with an ax like some people would be if you say the word or phrase they didn't like. Its more that I just give a sigh and say "Really?"
With the "K" or "KK" response just kind of bugs me a little more so. I don't see how typing that is faster than typing out "ok" as if typing out "okay" is too long. I know a few people that type "K" response. It's just plain laziness. I don't like reading it to a response, even reading in my head...I feel kind of stupid reading it. I'm not saying people should stop using it by any means. After all this is a ranting blog ^_^
The other is a phrase that just kind of bugs me a little more so is "so much win" I get it, the words "epic", "epicness", "awesome", "awesomeness", and other words with a similar meanings does get over played and just finding another way to say how epic something is. And to be honest the reason why I don't care for the phrase is because of one person. Once more I will not name names because one, that isn't cool, and also I don't want to hurt feelings. But anyway I only seen her post it once on my boyfriend's wall or something and after seeing that, I notice he has been saying it more. The reason why it bugs me is because I really think she is a home wrecking trouble maker. She is always hang out with my boyfriend...a lot...and she has no problem being over at his room and being all over him. That bugs me. I want to scream at her saying that "He isn't your boyfriend, he does have a girlfriend and it isn't you! Get lost!." she is using him, and other guys just to get to their stuff or to get what she wants. It bugs the hell out of me...it really does! I hate girls that uses guy; that isn't cool at all, but that will be another blog ;). And when he says it, it bugs me because if he is saying it more, I think that they are hanging out a lot and she is being a big influence on him. And it worries me because she seems to be the type that don't care for other people's relationships and its all about her...so that is why I don't really care for that phrase at all. Just because of one little tramp
With the "K" or "KK" response just kind of bugs me a little more so. I don't see how typing that is faster than typing out "ok" as if typing out "okay" is too long. I know a few people that type "K" response. It's just plain laziness. I don't like reading it to a response, even reading in my head...I feel kind of stupid reading it. I'm not saying people should stop using it by any means. After all this is a ranting blog ^_^
The other is a phrase that just kind of bugs me a little more so is "so much win" I get it, the words "epic", "epicness", "awesome", "awesomeness", and other words with a similar meanings does get over played and just finding another way to say how epic something is. And to be honest the reason why I don't care for the phrase is because of one person. Once more I will not name names because one, that isn't cool, and also I don't want to hurt feelings. But anyway I only seen her post it once on my boyfriend's wall or something and after seeing that, I notice he has been saying it more. The reason why it bugs me is because I really think she is a home wrecking trouble maker. She is always hang out with my boyfriend...a lot...and she has no problem being over at his room and being all over him. That bugs me. I want to scream at her saying that "He isn't your boyfriend, he does have a girlfriend and it isn't you! Get lost!." she is using him, and other guys just to get to their stuff or to get what she wants. It bugs the hell out of me...it really does! I hate girls that uses guy; that isn't cool at all, but that will be another blog ;). And when he says it, it bugs me because if he is saying it more, I think that they are hanging out a lot and she is being a big influence on him. And it worries me because she seems to be the type that don't care for other people's relationships and its all about her...so that is why I don't really care for that phrase at all. Just because of one little tramp
Monday, July 18, 2011
I was helping my brother fill out an app for the Elephant Bar online because he is done with his job at Farrell's. So I get over half way done filling out this app. I told him to fill out the info about his past job's. I came back to see that instead of opening a new window to get some of the info, he uses the same window that the app was on. So everything has been deleted and have to start over again. I got mad at him and told him what were you thinking. He gets mad at me....GAHH!!! But its not the worse of it. He has been really moody for the past few months, and its driving everyone crazy. He hates his job at Farrell's and it seems to be an excuse to act like a jerk to everyone. Its called the working world! You are not going to find a lot of jobs out there that is going to be perfect! You have to put up with a lot of b.s. just to make a little money, but it is better than nothing and they are people out there who don't have a job who are willing to take it. I love hearing how people hate their jobs and that they want to quit. But the job market sucks and I know that most of the managers are real jerks, but when there isn't really any jobs, you kind of have to suck it up, and build a thicker skin.
I feel much better =)
I feel much better =)
Racists Thoughts
There are African Americans, Mexican Americans, Asian Americans, Arab Americans, Native Americans, etc. And then there are just - Americans. You pass me on the street and sneer in my direction. You Call me "White boy," "Cracker," "Honkey," "Whitey," "Caveman," And that's OK. But when I call you Nigger, Kike, Towel head, Sand-nigger, Camel Jockey, Beaner, Gook, or Chink, You call me a racist.
You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you, so why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live? You have the United Negro College Fund. You have Hispanic History Month. You have Martin Luther King Day. You have Asian History Month. You have Black History Month. You have Cesar Chavez Day. You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi. You have Yom Hashoah. You have Kawanza. You have the NAACP. And you have BET. If we had WET (White Entertainment Television) We'd be racists.
If we had a White Pride Day You would call us racists. If we had White History Month. We'd be racists. If we had any organization for only whites to "advance"OURlives, We'd be racists. We have a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, a Black Chamber of Commerce, and then we just have the plain Chamber of Commerce. Wonder who pays for that? If we had a college fund that only gave white students scholarships You know we'd be racists.
There are over 60 openly-proclaimed Black-only Colleges in the US , yet if there were "White-only Colleges" THAT would be a racist college. In the Million-Man March, you believed that you were marching for your race and rights. If we marched for our race and rights. You would call us racists. You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and red, and you're not afraid to announce it. But when we announce our white pride. You call us racists.! You rob us, carjack us, and shoot at us. But, when a white police officer shoots a black gang member or beats up a black drug-dealer who is running from the LAW and posing a threat to ALL of society. You call him a racist. I am proud. But, you call me a racist. Why is it that only whites can be racists?
You say that whites commit a lot of violence against you, so why are the ghettos the most dangerous places to live? You have the United Negro College Fund. You have Hispanic History Month. You have Martin Luther King Day. You have Asian History Month. You have Black History Month. You have Cesar Chavez Day. You have Ma'uled Al-Nabi. You have Yom Hashoah. You have Kawanza. You have the NAACP. And you have BET. If we had WET (White Entertainment Television) We'd be racists.
If we had a White Pride Day You would call us racists. If we had White History Month. We'd be racists. If we had any organization for only whites to "advance"OURlives, We'd be racists. We have a Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, a Black Chamber of Commerce, and then we just have the plain Chamber of Commerce. Wonder who pays for that? If we had a college fund that only gave white students scholarships You know we'd be racists.
There are over 60 openly-proclaimed Black-only Colleges in the US , yet if there were "White-only Colleges" THAT would be a racist college. In the Million-Man March, you believed that you were marching for your race and rights. If we marched for our race and rights. You would call us racists. You are proud to be black, brown, yellow and red, and you're not afraid to announce it. But when we announce our white pride. You call us racists.! You rob us, carjack us, and shoot at us. But, when a white police officer shoots a black gang member or beats up a black drug-dealer who is running from the LAW and posing a threat to ALL of society. You call him a racist. I am proud. But, you call me a racist. Why is it that only whites can be racists?
Sunday, July 17, 2011
A little about me
Well, this is my first post. Well I guess I will start off telling you a little bit about myself. My name is Ashley and I work at a daycare center at College of the Canyons. Also I just graduated from College of the Canyons with my Associates of Science Degree in Early Childhood Ed. I've been working at the center soon to be 3 years and I love my job. I graduated from Valencia High School and was in the marching band for all 4 years of it. I was the nobody in high school. I only had a few friends which most were in marching band. But enough of that...
After graduating high school I started working at Walmart and ran into a long time friend from Jr. High school at La Mesa, Heather. Working at Walmart was fun...while it lasted. As soon of the cool mangers left, we got some really bad ones. So it started getting real bad working there. Heather and I met some new friends that some we still keep in touch with and some not so much. I also met Mike, at first he was really nice...at first. Went on one date, which was nice. But things turn for the worse and I didn't realize it. Every time we would go on lunch together, I paid for everything, he didn't communicate a whole lot, and to top it off he stood me up twice!...What a keeper...After a whole month of not hearing from him, also a week of before my birthday, I heard that he was with another girl. So I called him leaving a message asking him what was going on. I get a myspace message from him that it was over and the whole "its not you, its me..." b.s. So I was heartbroken for awhile.
After a year at Walmart, I left my job to focus on school. I started taking some ECE classes and fell in love with it. I decided that I want to be a teacher and did everything in my power to make it happen. I ran into one of my high school friends and at one time crush, Chris. We started talking more and hang out a few times. I was helping him with his ex...who will remain nameless because she a nut job! He invited me to Fright Fest back when he use to work at Six Flags. Then him and another friend, Pollard invited me and Jenny to see Chris Rock. Just before school started for the fall, he asked me to see a movie with him. After the movie he drove me home. On the way home he asked me to be his girlfriend. And the rest is history...almost 3 years together!!!! <3
A week after Chris asked me out, I get a call from my new boss at College of the Canyons daycare center to start working there. I'm still working there with the 2 and 3 year olds and I love my job! I have been there for 3 years now!
Chris is going to school is going to Humboldt State University and it is coming to our second year of being in a long distance relationship. We had many bumps in the road, but we manged to make it work. I'm saving up and trying to find a daycare center to work up there also a cheap little place to live up there, while he tries to find a job as well. Our plan is to move into next summer and we are hoping to make it work....
After graduating high school I started working at Walmart and ran into a long time friend from Jr. High school at La Mesa, Heather. Working at Walmart was fun...while it lasted. As soon of the cool mangers left, we got some really bad ones. So it started getting real bad working there. Heather and I met some new friends that some we still keep in touch with and some not so much. I also met Mike, at first he was really nice...at first. Went on one date, which was nice. But things turn for the worse and I didn't realize it. Every time we would go on lunch together, I paid for everything, he didn't communicate a whole lot, and to top it off he stood me up twice!...What a keeper...After a whole month of not hearing from him, also a week of before my birthday, I heard that he was with another girl. So I called him leaving a message asking him what was going on. I get a myspace message from him that it was over and the whole "its not you, its me..." b.s. So I was heartbroken for awhile.
After a year at Walmart, I left my job to focus on school. I started taking some ECE classes and fell in love with it. I decided that I want to be a teacher and did everything in my power to make it happen. I ran into one of my high school friends and at one time crush, Chris. We started talking more and hang out a few times. I was helping him with his ex...who will remain nameless because she a nut job! He invited me to Fright Fest back when he use to work at Six Flags. Then him and another friend, Pollard invited me and Jenny to see Chris Rock. Just before school started for the fall, he asked me to see a movie with him. After the movie he drove me home. On the way home he asked me to be his girlfriend. And the rest is history...almost 3 years together!!!! <3
A week after Chris asked me out, I get a call from my new boss at College of the Canyons daycare center to start working there. I'm still working there with the 2 and 3 year olds and I love my job! I have been there for 3 years now!
Chris is going to school is going to Humboldt State University and it is coming to our second year of being in a long distance relationship. We had many bumps in the road, but we manged to make it work. I'm saving up and trying to find a daycare center to work up there also a cheap little place to live up there, while he tries to find a job as well. Our plan is to move into next summer and we are hoping to make it work....
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