For those who don't know me, or read my first blog about me I'm an early childhood education major. I just recently graduated with an Associates of Science in ECE. I've been working at the daycare 3 years going on 4 and I love every bit of it. The only down side about my center is that none of the teachers are full time and everyone has to watch their hours, or we will either be force to take time off, or have part of our checks taken out and put into a retirement plan (which isn't too bad). The center is part of the college so that means that we are on the same schedule as they are. That means we don't work for two weeks during Christmas time, and we are off for about 2 1/2 months during the summer. That is a lot of hours to miss. Those are the only down side of my work, but other than that its wonderful and is one of the best places I have ever worked.
This year I work the morning shift. I'm there at 7:30am and leave about 12-12:30pm. But I've been working almost full time because the person they hired in the afternoons to working the infant room changed their minds and decided not to take the job. So until they can hire a new person, they asked me if I could cover the afternoon shift on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday until they can hire someone. They interviewed one person and was going to hire them, but turned it down because it didn't pay enough. But luckily for me they just recently interviewed two possible teachers to work the afternoons in the infant room. One of them being an old employee who quit during the summer and wants to come back, and a new girl who wants to give her hand a try.
Because the center is at the college, it also means it is a lab school, so that the students who are learning child development can see what a classroom set up can look like and observe the children in their environment. Students can even take lab, so that they can be in the class room interacting with the teachers and the children. It is a great way to see if ECE is something that you want to do. But what bugs me is that the people who go into it thinking it is easy, or they can make a lot of money.
Working with children (and it doesn't matter what age) isn't easy. You have to watch what you say, wear, and do. Just as last year, the classroom I'm working in just started to have lab students and a good handful I've enjoy having around. But there is a few that I just wish they weren't trying to get in. They wear very nice clothes (and working with kids isn't a great idea, especially with the little ones) So they don't try to take part of the "messy" activities.
Working at a daycare and preschool isn't where the money is...I'm sorry that I have to say it, but it isn't. We don't get paid a lot for what we do. And if you want a career to make 20k a month, then this isn't the career for you. To be an early childhood educator, you have to be there for the kids and you have to love what you are doing. Your mind can't be about money, it should be on the kids.
Another thing that makes me mad is when people say that the early childhood educators are glorified babysitters. That isn't true! A babysitter is there to feed the kid, put them bed and just watches tv. We plan activities to get the child the next level and reach their full potential. We interact with them, we observed them, take notes, chart where they are, feed them, comfort them, help them, answer their questions to the best of our knowledge. We do so much more than a high school kid that lived down the block that did it to make a few bucks.
So for those who are thinking about going into Early Childhood Education just remember that you will get messy and that it is okay =P just don't wear anything nice. Know that you aren't going to get paid a lot of money. But that should matter if you really are passionate on becoming an early childhood educator. And don't confuse ECE teacher with a babysitter...they aren't the same.
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