My mind is all over the place. I'm not in a bad mood, but I had all these thoughts running around in my head that happened awhile ago. A few things that happened to me at different times with different people that I just need to let out or I become upset with them and do something that I will not forgive myself for.
It sucks when you try to tell someone something and they don't seem to be listening to you. It is frustrating because you try to get a point across and then have to repeat yourself a billion times just for some people to get it. Its even worse when they hear you and they know what you said and mean, and they still do the opposite of what you say. I work at a daycare and it seems the kids are better listeners than the adults I know.
Its even more frustrating when they don't listen to a warning, like warning them not to jump front of a moving car, and they still do it anyways. Or a warning about a person who is bad news all over and they still don't listen to the warning. All you get is you are wrong and it can drive anyone crazy because it might as well say they don't trust you.
I also find it funny that a slutty bitch was dumped by her boyfriend and have to running my for the rescue. But he can't be an ass to her, nooo...but it is okay to be a real jerk to me...and it is kind of heartbreaking that he can't stand up to anyone, but can be a jerk to me and claim that I'm not caring enough...but can bend backwards for a bitch who is only using his stuff and can give a flying rat's ass about him. It sucks....
I feel at work that they don't care about me. They always pass me over and give credit for the people that don't do anything. But when they need someone to cover then I'm noticed. Everyone can have day off, but when I request one day off just to rest, then that isn't okay. It is okay for me to go over hours and get in trouble, but not everyone else.
I'm kind of upset at my best friend. I'm glad that her and my brother are hanging out and what not. Because I don't know who I rather have my brother hang out and be good friends than her. But when it is becoming to a point where she doesn't call you anymore and to call up him and make plans to hang out. But cancels on you or makes up a reason why she can't hang out with you is not cool. Its too a point I don't feel like she is my best friend anymore and is becoming my brother's.
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