Restlessly Still

Restlessly Still

Friday, July 22, 2011

Pity Party

I'm sure everyone, or almost everyone that has a facebook knows what my rant will be about.  I've mostly seen young women doing this, although I have seen a few guys making similar posts.  But it drives me crazy how people post something that sounds like something out of a motivation poster.  For example, I've seen some girls posting something like this "I am not hot or gorgeous.  I don't have an amazing figure or flat stomach.  I'm not far from being a model, but I'm me...", "I'm never going to find someone that is going to love me, I'm not good enough for love, I'm a horrible person",  or one of my favorites "It's amazing how much pain you hold inside without letting anyone know you're hurting :("  (Yes, these are actual post I've seen.  Though I've changed it up a bit; just in case someone sees it and then know who I'm talking about)

You know the type of people are the ones that have well to do families and they get everything they want, and when their parents start acting like parents, then that is a problem and they start throwing a fit because that isn't fair because they actually have to start earning a living like most people do.  They are the type of people that make a post about it, sharing to their friends about their problems which isn't a problem most of the time. And the only reason they post their problems on facebook so someone will asked them the what is the deal.  And more and likely they are freaking out because they probably think something horrible has happened like someone is in the hospital or someone lost a loved one.  So the supportive, caring  friends will ask "whats wrong" or "that isn't fair" or "if you need anything, I'm here"  and they also try to cheer up the little wanna be emo, and the little brat will reply "you don't understand, you'll never get me"  Well that was a nice little slap to the face

I know some will say, well don't read them or block their post so you don't have to see it.  But like I said before, its a ranting blog, so you don't have to read it either ;)  But all I have to say is that instead of posting your so called problems just so you can have people feel sorry for you and then have the nerve to say they don't "get" you, how about going out there and fix the problem, or try to fix it, so your life isn't that bad as you claim it to be.  Just remember that there is always one person that have it much worse than you do.  Try looking at the bright side life.  If you have people that care enough to call you or message you to check on you because they saw something and the got worried, jut remember that at least you have friends, and that you have a home, a computer and everything else that a lot of people don't have.  So stop being such an ungrateful little brat and start being thankful for what you do have and stop crying over what you don't.  It might do you some good.


  1. Oh my goodness, I know exactly what you're talking about! That being said, a rant is important once in a while so that you can still act civil and even kind to those people that you are referring to. It is easier to kill someone with kindness. haha. That's what I've been told anyways. :) This is also where praying for patience comes in handy. You know my brother, Tyler. Yeah. I've prayed for patience a lot. haha. Love ya!

  2. I love you too! It just bugs me that those kinds of people aren't happy with what they have. There is so much to live for! I'm happy for everything I have, and of course I would like more. But that inspires me to work harder to get it!
