You ever heard the phrase "Don't judge a book by its cover" or "Stick and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." To help kids learn that we can't let what other say or think about us get to us and stop us from what we are doing. That is true to a point. We have all these rights and freedom of speech and expression, but to get by in this world we have to blend in, or mold to what the higher ups want us to be.
America is great because we have all these rights and freedoms. We can wear what we want, and we can have as many tattoos and piercings as we want and where we want them. But when it comes to a job interview; Employers aren't going to hire people that look like an advertisement for a tattoo parlor. You can be the nicest person in the world, but if you have a billion piercings and tattoos that cover your body. The ones that are hiring won't take you serious because that isn't the idea of what is professional.
They tell us we should judge a book by its cover, but also first impressions are everything. Like I said before, you can be the nicest person, and the most hard working...but if you don't have a look they are looking for, then they already know that they aren't going to pick you for the job.
The saying "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me." is telling kids that no matter what others say or think of you that you should play it off like its nothing. But here is the problem with that is that our society is so needing to be accepted that they will put up with the teasing and bulling to just to fit in. Also that people will say hurtful things and it will hurt you. Words leave a deeper scar than most physical wounds. People should give others the satisfaction of that it hurts you. But they leave out that it is okay to feel hurt. You have the right to feel what you are feeling. When people tell you to grow a thicker skin, just means that they don't want to do anything to help and feel that its not important.
I've read an article online about a boy who couldn't walk and was made fun of because of it. He was also beaten up. He told the school of what was happening, and nothing was done, and this never ended. The boy finally had enough and he took his own life. It is sad that something that could have been done, but did nothing.
We will do what it takes to fit in. And for those who try so hard to not fit in..*cough, cough* emos *cough* Will call us conformist because we will fit in. But like in the animal kingdom, animals will change and adapt to their surroundings to fit in the real world. And that is what we are doing...We want a job, and will do everything we can to get it. So we will change and adapt to meet the needs and wants of the hiring people to notice us. This means we get a job, that means money, and money means home, food, and other stuff to survive.
A simple phrase or just simply ignoring it isn't going to make things go away. That we do need to look a certain way and act a certain way just to fit in, so we can be able to get jobs to make a living. And that words do hurt. And because of this we don't really have the freedom to express individuality, unless you don't really want a job. That we do "conform" to fit the roles and play the parts that job places are looking for. It is survival of the fittest in this crazy jungle we call a city.
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