Yesterday, I've talked to both my friend, and my boyfriend and we were talking about moochers and how much they suck! I understand that the job market does suck because no one is hiring and that making money is hard. But to assume that someone is going to pay for you when you go out. Its not cool to say "hey lets go here to get something to eat." as you pick a pricey place to eat and making it seem like you are going to pay for yourself, and then come out (after placing your order of the most expensive thing they have) to say "Oh by the way, I don't have any money on me." That isn't cool at all. It puts people on the spot, and it makes them feel bad because they don't want to look like the bad guy, but making them very angry at the same time.
Other types of moocher are the ones that assume they can come over your place and the start using your stuff like the kitchen, video games, ect...and have the nerve to make up bullshit lies like saying you were with someone when you know damn well that you weren't. And the only thing you can say "I don't know" Wow...didn't know you are that stupid.
Well, I don't like moochers very much and really, they need to stop...because they are going to find themselves realizing that people are going to get sick of it and then they are going to cut you off. So its time to start fending yourself a bit more and stop hitting people up for money or their stuff. GROW UP MOOCHERS
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