As of yesterday I took up knitting. Today, I've learn the basics to knitting and let me tell you that it is not easy. The joy of working with yarn started about a year or so when my friend bought me a crochet hook and a giant thing of pink yarn and showed me how to crochet. Then I made my boyfriend a scarf (It was horrible, but he seems to love it) and then another friend of mine told me that I was doing it wrong. I was using the wrong kind of stitches and she showed me other kinds of stitches I could use, helping me improve even more. Then I went on crocheting a bunch of stuff. But I felt that I was limited of what I could do with yarn. Yesterday I went to walmart and picked up some yarn and a pair of knitting needles and try to learn how to knit. Yesterday I had to stop because I wasn't getting it. Today I went to youtube and it showed me an easier way to cast on yarn on the needle. Casting on from hand to needle is much easier than casting from needle to needle. After learning to to cast on, I've started to learn how to knit and make stitches. I'm picking it up really quickly, but I still need to work on it to get better and learn the cool, fancy designs for scarves and sweaters and all sorts of stuff I can knit.
I'm not giving up on crocheting, I'm just learning other things and be able to do more. I like how the dolls look by crocheting them over knitting them. Also crocheting is much easier to do than knitting. Right now my first knitting project I'm working on is a scarf for my mom. It won't be easy; especially they type of yarn I'm using. The yarn I'm using is very fluffy and it easily falls apart. So needless to say I had to stop, and put down everything and I'm going to go back at it the next day and maybe get even better at it =)
I guess there is a moral in here...If you are interested in doing something that you should give it a try. And if it is too hard to do it, just keep practicing and you'll get better. Start of doing one step or lesson at a time, keep working on it until you get better doing it. Once you have mastered that one lesson, move on to the next one and work on that until you are good at it. And if you start to get frustrated, just stop and walk away and go back at it once you are clam and have a clear mind. Don't give up and keep practicing because a little hard work over time will make anything you do a lot easier to do and you'll get better at it.
You have inspired me :)