Restlessly Still

Restlessly Still

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Pros and Cons

My boyfriend has been home from Humboldt for awhile.  Though he does have two jobs, I still make more money than he does, but not by much.  I made a pro and con list....

Cons of boyfriend being back:
- Go through a lot of money
- Get side track from school work
- Feeling suffocated

Pros of boyfriend being back:
-Someone to hold
-Someone to talk to
-Someone to spend time with
-Someone to comfort you
- Someone to make you laugh
-Someone to help push you forward
-Someone who will listen to you

It looks like that there is a lot of pros of having him back!  I'm glad that my boyfriend is back from Humboldt and is transferring to CSUN.   If he stayed another year up there, I would more and likely broke up with him.  He wasn't becoming a good person and someone that wasn't him.  A lot of trust issues that he caused. Over all him being back is what saved our relationship

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