Restlessly Still

Restlessly Still

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Lately I have notice that friendships are broken up because of big misunderstandings.  Seeing yesterday's friends turn into today's enemies is really sad.   What is worse is that you let a guy/girl get between you two.  Ever heard of that saying "Boyfriends/Girlfriends come and go, but friends are a life time."  If you have found a really good friend then you should hold on to dear life on to them.   Good friends are hard to find and should be grateful if you do have a really good friend. 

If you find that both of you like the same person then maybe you should go after them.  Or if you like a person and then find out that the person you like, likes your other friend...maybe you should let them go and let them be happy.  You can't help who you fall for, but also understand that if they don't have feelings for you, but they do have for your friend and your friend likes them then they should go out. 

If you find that both of you do like the same person; the two of you need to talk it out and be honest to each other.  It might be a little hurtful now, but it might save a friendship.  Do not say nothing and then get mad about it, or if you knew that you friend likes a person you should go after them behind you friend's back.  That is a low move to play.  The key to a good relationship; either its a friendship or a relationship; is communication.

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