Restlessly Still

Restlessly Still

Monday, June 22, 2015

Opening old wounds, making new ones

I don't like sharing this part of my life, but I need to get this out.  Someone might read it, maybe someone will, it might be someone I know, or it could be a stranger.  At this point, I don't really care anymore.  I'm not saying that I had a hard life, but my life wasn't easy. Growing up was hard. I never had true, good friends. I always got picked on by the other kids. What friends I did have, they would all leave me because someone would tell them not to for number of bullshit reasons. I would also get called a bunch of names.  I would tell a school authority, but they would play it off like it was nothing and that I need a thicker skin.  It was hurtful to hear that while you were 7-10 years old. Sometimes it got physical and I have gotten kicked or pushed in the mud. Elementary school was hell.

Home was hard. My parents cared, but it was hard at times. My mom was the only one working and my dad stayed home to watched my brother and myself. But my dad would drink all day and would occasionally get mad over the littlest things. I remember to this day my dad got mad at me because my grades weren't high enough (still in elementary school). He smacked me a crossed the face and I hit the wall. I can still feel the sting on my left cheek. I also remember when my parents fight, furniture would be every where. The earliest parts of my life was hard.

I am going through a dark time in my life right now. My parents are fighting and threatening divorce. None of them are talking to me or my brother. It brings back bad and painful memories of my childhood. I just need to get this out to help me get through a tough part that I hope isn't going to last long.

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