Restlessly Still

Restlessly Still

Thursday, December 20, 2012

2012/ End of the world

Tomorrow is suppose to be the end of the world according to the Mayan Calendar.  Do I believe this?  No, I don't.  2012 has been an interesting year; both good and bad.  There is a lot I have learned from other people (Friends, Family, or people I just hate with a undying passion). 

The bad thing that happened this year:

Chris didn't go back to Humboldt because he failed out.  It was his fault, but he did have help from not so great people.  Three a little witches who uses him for his stuff and won't let him focus on school.  Again it is also his fault because he can't be a man and stand up for him self.  A few of his friends from the fencing club were bad mouthing me because apparently I'm the reason why Chris wasn't going back to school.  This lead to another fight and me actually breaking up with him because I told him that I'm sick of that fact he does nothing and let people talk bad about him, and me.  I had to be the one to speak up.  My uncle passed away this year because he was really sick and told no one about it.  My best friend got fired from Wal Mart. I got bit by a mouse...

The good thing that happened this year:

Chris gets to stay here and finish school without the bad influences in his life.  He gets to focus and do well.  The fights that we have made him realize that he needs to grow up and change his ways.  I got my master teacher permit and working on getting my B.S degree in Child Development.  My best friend is not giving up from looking for a new job and is keeping her head high. My uncle is no longer sick.  Chris got rid of the "trash" in his life.

Things I've learned:
-Some people will never be happy unless they can change:
(I use to have this friend that is always depressed and no matter what you do, she'll never be happy.)
- Sometimes something bad must happen, in order to move forward
-Hard work and determination goes a long way
-Not everyone that seems like great people are always great people...
-Never pick up a wild mouse

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