Restlessly Still

Restlessly Still

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Gay marriages

Okay! I'm done with these facebook status going back and forward about gay people. I try not to get involved, but here is how I view this whole thing:

Those who are against gay marriages: You have the right to believe w. hat you do believe. If you don't agree or like gay marriages...that is your right and no one should take that away from you. But do not bash on gays and bring in the bible to support lies. Yes it does say marriages is between a man and a woman, but it doesn't say hate gay people. I met a gay man who is also a heavy duty Christian (Training to be a minister and his father is a minister). The main character in the bible (Jesus) didn't say a word about being gay is wrong!

Those who are for gay marriages: I agree that we should have it and make everyone equal. Some (not all) are starting to get to the point of heterphobia and grouping every straight person as a bigot. Because a few jerks acts a certain way doesn't speak for the rest of the group. Also not pushing people like the idea....We need to be tolerant with each other. If some straight people don't like it, and it is okay for them to feel that.

My view: Church and State needs to be separate! Allow gay marriages, but don't force churches to have it. People can get married by a judge and that is good. If you want to be married in a church...make a new church, or religion. That's what king Henry did, so he could get a divorce. Plus we have this thing called the first amendment (Freedom of religion).

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Ballroom Dancing

My boyfriend and I are taking ballroom dancing together, here are some questions that I had to answer for my class.  First quiz of the Fall =)

1.  Briefly discuss your dance training.

I have little dance training.  I took a dance class last spring that covered the basics of Jazz dancing, modern dancing, and ballet. 

2. Why are you enrolled in this class?

I’ve always loved dancing. I’ve always wanted to try dancing after watching dancing with the stars.  I also want to learn the right ways of dancing.  I’m very clumsy and I want to dance with my boyfriend with out stepping on his feet.

3. How do you think this class will help you in the future?

I’m planning to marry my boyfriend and I want us to be able to dance together and making it look amazing.  I’ve always loved dancing and I might as well learn it the right way.

4. Briefly discuss one limitation that you are aware of in your current dance training and you may begin to start to overcome that limitation.

The only thing that I would say is that I’m very clumsy and I have two left feet.  But there isn’t anything that will hold me back from trying my hardest.

5.  What is your main goal for the Semester?

My goal is to be able to dance well and lose some weight

6. Are you working with any injuries or conditions that may require modifications during your dance training?

I have no injuries or conditions that need to be modifications

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Goodbye to bad rubbish

This one chick doesn't get the hint that my boyfriend is ignoring her.  She is desperately trying to get in contact with him and she is too stupid to get the freaking clue.  My boyfriend doesn't like being mean to people and he tries to avoid conflict as much as possible.  So, last night I sent her a message telling her to leave him alone and that he really doesn't want anything to do with you.  This was her response:

If he isn't enough of a man to tell me himself why all of a sudden we aren't friends anymore, then good riddance."

The answer is that you don't respect other people's spaces, you mooch off of everyone, and you are a freaking homewrecker.  DUH!  

Just because you can't keep your legs close and another notch of your belt respects his girlfriend and doesn't want to touch you with a 10 foot pole doesn't mean he isn't a man.  You took advantage of his good nature and he is trying to be a the good guy, but he still gets annoyed with you.  So please, stop being a bitch and move on with your might  be slightly happy...

P.S.  If you stop being so full of yourself, you might find a guy that might tolerate your bullshit a little longer.