Restlessly Still

Restlessly Still

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Facebook Friends

Two post ago, I wrote about the friends on facebook and that I met each person in person at least once in my life time.  Everyone knows how many friends on facebook or myspace (if anyone still uses it) even though one claims that they don't know or care that they have 523 friends.  But when one person decides that they want nothing to do with you and they delete you from their friends list.  When you log on to your social media site and you see the number of friends went down my one, so that 523 is now a 522, you know that someone got rid of you.

Most people think it is silly to be upset by this, but people are upset by this.  A few times I meet a new person and be friends them and I add them to the facebook friends list, the another one leaves.  And I have been the one to delete people off the friends list.  I can tell you from both points of view:

The one that has been deleted:
At first you start to wonder who was the one that deleted you.  Even though you may never have interacted with this person, you still feel hurt that they just up and vanish with out talking you.  But also keep in mind that: Did I talk to this person? Do I even know this person? 
But I think what hurts the most is that we like to know why.  We want to know why are you taking us off, is it something we did, did we grow apart?  We like closure when things come to an end.

The one that did the deleting:
When you delete someone from a friends list, it is usually that you either grown apart with them, they did something to really make you mad, or do I even know this person?  When we delete someone, we don't really think much on that it could effect that person we took off the list.  Even when their is logical reasons of why. We also don't think of bring closure to ending a "friendship" because it does make it harder for ending it.  It really depends on the reason why one would delete another person.

Today I found that a person took me off their friends list and it did suck a little because I was wondering who took me off and why they did it.  But then I realize the friends that I do talk to and that really do hang out with is still their, so it doesn't matter because it was probably a person that really don't communicate with.  If I knew who it was, I would be wondering why do I have them on facebook.  

Word of Advice:
I'm not going to lie, it does suck when people don't want to be friends with you.  Even though we are adults and we shouldn't be effected by this, but we cannot help it.  It is how we handle the situation

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