Women always joke about how dogs are better companions than men because they are better listeners, or they will not cheat on you. The thing is that a man and a dog has one thing in common with each other, and that is they both will love you unconditionally. Do not get me wrong that there are guys that are jerks and will use you, and the same goes for women. If you find the right guy, he will love you for everything that you are. Women are the ones that tend to over think in the relationship and I know that I'm guilty of it.
Once you find the right guy, he will love you to the ends of earth. My boyfriend is good to me and sometimes I think he is too good for me. He will take care of me and make sure that I'm happy and okay before taking care of himself. I have never dated anyone that loved me so much like him, and I can tell that everything he says and do that it is true. There is a few thing that he needs to learn and work on, but overall he does everything right and beyond. He could say something that I took the wrong way and I'll be mad at him. I scream at him and tell him to go away, and he will listen to me, tell me that he loves me, and he will leave the room. The thing that he needs to work on is setting boundaries with other girls, and reassuring that nothing is going on with his gal pals. When you don't do that and make up reason why, then it seems like something is going on, and you give your girl a reason why they shouldn't trust you.
As women, we over think everything; especially love. We make relationships much more complex then we really should. We are the ones with the trust issues and we get jealous, so we cause more problems then it really needed to be. We are always questioning his moves, his motivates, and his feelings. Women can not take what the man does for face value. To be fare that there are some guys that aren't the niceset guys in the world, and once again this goes the same way for women as well.
Word of advice: If you have someone that loves you unconditionally and so much that we should treat them a little better. We should not let our guard down just in case if someone is trying to use you, but if they are truly a good person don't question why. Make sure give your partner a reason why they should trust you.
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