Restlessly Still

Restlessly Still

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


We are no longer in 2011 and now on to 2012!  You know that this mean?  New year goals that usually never happen!  But this year I am making reasonable goals for myself!

I'm going to lose 5 to 15 pounds before the end of the year!  And I'm taking a dance class at CoC this spring, I think it will help me reach my goal.  This class will teach me the basics to ballet, modern, and jazz dancing.

Another goal is to get my master teacher permit.  I got my degree last spring in ECE, but I'm shy of 8 units on getting my permit.  So this spring I'm taking 3 classes and apply for my master teacher stuff at the end of the semester!  I'm excited =)

I'm going to be more patience with everyone around me, mainly with my boyfriend.  I'm going to try not to jump the gun without hearing the full story!

The end or not, I'm making 2012 a good year!

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