Restlessly Still

Restlessly Still

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Going through life

I know I haven't been on for a long time, but a thought came to me and feel like this is important  (at least to me) to share. I was asked by one of my friends how I deal with life.  Today is also 4/20 which is a day of potheads to have an excuse to get high. First I want to make two things clear 1) I don't have a problem with people who smoke pot. That is their thing so be it. 2) I don't smoke pot nor I'm  planning on to at anytime.  It got me thinking is that if you are using pot to escape your problems and reality then there is a problem. It is as the same as someone drinking untill the problem  "goes away ".  It is one thing you do it for fun like at parties.  If you are doing it because  life is getting too much for you handle it then there is a problem.

I have my problems, my anxieties, mood swings, but I move on. I push forward  because I don't let my issues control me. I am a person and I take on life one thing at time and I push forward.  I am a preschool teacher and I want to show the kids that there is strong people out there and they can be strong too. That the "tools" out there to help escape it for awhile  isn't going to help. The problem is that people think pot and alchol will fix everything,  but it doesn't.  It only put the issues on pause for awhile and then you have to go back to it and the problems will just pile up.