A few weeks ago I have seen a few post about transgender and transexuals. One was an article about babies born as both sex and the parents picking one gender to make it less awkward. Another the was a post of a person refusing to acknowledge a person's identity that they choose to be than the one they were born with. Of course I am cool with transgenders/transexuals, but I stopped to think what it if it happened to someone I know and is close to me.
If one of my family members decided to change their gender would be hard to get use to, but I am pretty positive that I would be okay and I will supportive. Then I started to think what if my boyfriend decided that he wanted to be a woman and would I still be with him.
At first I wouldn't be because I identify myself being straight. Then I thought more about it because I believe in soul mates and that their is that one person for everyone. I realized that I would be with him because I fell in love with the person that makes me smile, feel wonderful about myself.
I asked my boyfriend the same question and at first he wasn't sure that he could be with me if I were to become a man. The more we talked it out he realized that he would love me and be with me no matter what.
At first I did only believed in only straight, gay, or bi. I didn't believe people claiming being pansexual and what not. I thought it was people wanting to be a special snowflake and want to be called something different than bisexual, or they are straight and wanting attention. But after having this conversation with my boyfriend, I realized that I love my boyfriend as a person and not because he has a certain body part. That I would love him no matter what gender he choose to be and he is the same way.
Word of advice:
Some times we have the mantility of it would never happen to me. Some times we need to step back and put ourselves in that situation to truly understand others.